Forum Discussion

NIKHIL234656595's avatar
13 years ago

user backup

I created a user backup with the specified window.An when i go to BAR on that client and after selecting the files,it ask for backup and there is an option of archiving the selected files.If i do select that,then what is the use of USER ARCHIVE backup then.The same i can do with this option.

  • If you create User backup schedule, then select files in BAR, followed by selecting the option to archiving the selected files, the backup will fail. Probably something like status code 237

    Martin has previously suggested the following: When you have a doubt about something, perform a test in a 'safe' environment.

    For example, install NBU client on your desktop/laptop.
    Create a 'junk' folder on your machine, e.g. C:\temp\junk.
    Copy a couple of files into junk folder.

    First create a 'normal' backup policy and schedule to backup C:\temp\junk.

    Next, add User schedule to the policy.

    Test your User Backup with and without archive selection.

    Come back and tell us your results.


  • user backup = backup the files on request. The files are backed up and still exist on your client.

    user archive backup = backup the files then archive the actual files you are backing up - remove them from the client,  the files are now backed up and only exist in the backup.


    You would NOT want to "user archive" important/critical files, only files that are low importance.

  • yes i am aware of that.But cant i do archiving by selecting user backup on the policy tab of master server as on Client BAR,after selecting files and start Backup,i got an option to archive files or not.If i select that ,will files be archived?I m not selecting user archive on the policy.I am using user backup.

  • Nikhil

    You cannot use User archive within Open window specified by User Backup schedule type

    You must create new schedule with open window of User archive.

    Both have different properties of performing backups and post .



  • I created a user backup with the specified window.An when i go to BAR on that client and after selecting the files,it ask for backup and there is an option of archiving the selected files.If i do select that,then what is the use of USER ARCHIVE backup then.The same i can do with this option.

    I think I understand your question.

    With the user backup defined in the policy + window created when you actually go to bacup the files, there is indeed an option to archive them.

    Normally, you would select this the files are backed up and then deleted - as you are aware.

    However, perhaps you only wish to back them up, therefore the final selection to archive (delete them) is left as an option.

    If the policy is only set to backup (not defined as user archive) then the 'archive' tick box i greyed out and cannot be selected.

    Simply, NBU is giving you a choice.  It saves you having to have two schedules, one backup and one archive.  


  • If you create User backup schedule, then select files in BAR, followed by selecting the option to archiving the selected files, the backup will fail. Probably something like status code 237

    Martin has previously suggested the following: When you have a doubt about something, perform a test in a 'safe' environment.

    For example, install NBU client on your desktop/laptop.
    Create a 'junk' folder on your machine, e.g. C:\temp\junk.
    Copy a couple of files into junk folder.

    First create a 'normal' backup policy and schedule to backup C:\temp\junk.

    Next, add User schedule to the policy.

    Test your User Backup with and without archive selection.

    Come back and tell us your results.