Vault Operation with HP MSL4048 Tape Library
I have NBU 7.5 and a HP MSL4048 tape library. I have configured Vault for this installation and set the profile for deferred eject and deferred logs. The vault profile ran successfully and I am ready to eject the tapes. I have read portions of the admin guide for vault and some forums and I am looking for advice on a good method to eject approximately 12 tapes. The tape library can have 3 slots in one of the four magazines configured as mailslots. Should I use these mailslots to remove tapes after running a vault eject policy (which will require multiple magazine removals), or can I remove all the magazines and remove the tapes that are slated to be ejected? I know which tapes to remove from running "Get Preview" from the Deferred Eject option in NBU Admin Console. If I choose the latter method it sounds like NBU may not be able to keep accurate logs of what has been ejected.
Correct, if you do not use the mailslot - vault wil not realise the tapes have ejected.
The eject should queue - if the mail slot fills vault should wait for it to be emptied, you may have to press OK to continue (apologies, can't remember as I've not done it for a while).
If you run the eject from the vltopmenu, I think it promts you to press any key.