Vaulting not working after 7.7.3 upgrade
I've upgraded Netbackup from 7.6.1 to 7.7.3 and now my vaulting is not working.
From what I could find, the vlt_start_notify.cmd script cannot be open. But all the rights are fine.
RVP = Vault_LTO4_SSO_Week
SID = 4472
STEP = start_notify
StartTime = 2016.06.30 10:04:13 (1467295453)
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@VltSession::lock_and_operate^4472: OP: start_notify
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@VOpExecuteScript::doOperation^4472: CALLING E:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\vlt_start_notify.cmd script; robot:3, vault:vSSO, profile:Vault_LTO4_SSO_Week, and sid:4472
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@VOpExecuteScript::doOperation^4472: Vault Notify Script=E:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\vlt_start_notify.cmd RV=12
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VOpExecuteScript::doOperation^4472: Vault Notify Script=E:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\vlt_start_notify.cmd FAILED
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VOpExecuteScript::doOperation^4472: FAILed NB_EC=12 NB_MSG=file open failed
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VOpExecuteScript::doOperation^4472: Leaving with DMN=1 SC=12
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::lock_and_operate^4472: OP_STEP=start_notify FAILED
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::lock_and_operate^4472: FAILed NB_EC=272 NB_MSG=execution of a vault notify script failed
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@VaultJobMonitor::_send_jobrundata^4472: SENT JobRunDataEx_t to JOBD at 1467295453
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@VaultJobMonitor::IncrementJobProgress^4472: SENT completion pct=1 to JOBD
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::lock_and_operate^4472: Leaving with DMN=1 SC=272
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <8> vltrun@VltSession::sessionStep()^4472: Session STEP COMPLETE
End Time :2016.06.30 10:04:13 (1467295453)
Elapsed :0:0
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::runSession^4472: Aborting session...
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::runSession^4472: FAILed NB_EC=272 NB_MSG=execution of a vault notify script failed
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <8> vltrun@VltSession::runSession^4472: Destructor called during stack unwinding
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <16> vltrun@VltSession::runSession^4472: Leaving with DMN=1 SC=272
10:04:13.249 [11948.11436] <2> vltrun@main^4472: End Time: 2016.06.30 10:04:13 (1467295453) Elapsed: 0:00 (0)
Anyone what could be going wrong?
Found it.
Don't know why, but the security on the folder E:\Veritas\NetBackup\Logs\user_ops\vault was gone. Nobody was able to read/write in it.
Once that was fixed everything started working correctly.