Veritas NetBackup for Oracle (Release 7.0) (2010070805)
Hi all,
First of all, I'm a software engineer. Not a DBA by profession. I'm not trained in Veritas NetBackup. I'm fully aware I'm not qualified/ideal/best person for the job. But you play the cards you're dealt with.
I'm supporting a proprietary system at customer site with PR and DR site. The data synchronization between PR and DR is handled by the system.
The system's Oracle Database is managed by customer's backup team. RMAN performs backup to tape (TYPE SBT_TAPE)
Long story short, PR & DR becomes out of sync. I've been tasked to perform the "data sync". The solution, provided by system vendor, is to perform DB recovery on DR DB using PR DB backup.
(1) Customer's backup team is able to extract PR DB backup from NetBackup Media Server. According to the backup team, the backup will be in "Netbackup" format. Will RMAN on DR DB recognizes the "Netbackup" format data files and add to catalog for recovery?
(2) If RMAN is unable to recognize the "Netbackup" format data files, I would be performing PR DB backup to disk for transfer to DR as per system vendor's solution.
- Day 1. Backup team performs full DB backup on PR
- Day 2. My team performs full DB backup (no catalog) on PR. Restore PR backup onto DR.
- Day 3. Backup team performs archive log backup on PR
- Day 4. My team performs archive log backup (no catalog). Shutdown PR DB. Restore PR archive log backup to DR.
For DB recovery onto DR, do I need the "Day 3" archive log backup done by Backup team?
(3) There's a big difference on the size of INPUT_BYTES and OUTPUT_BYTES of backup performed by backup team's RMAN script and the system vendor's RMAN script.
Is the difference due to "compression ratio"?
Row 4 & 5 done using system vendor's RMAN script. Refer v$rman_backup_job_details
Refer RMAN script used by Backup Team!AkTxE55WB3XMir47jE1OJv326OJs_w?e=wpO2Jg
Refer RMAN script provided by system vendor!AkTxE55WB3XMir48KebjFfrcSxy1Lg?e=H6gxIe