Forum Discussion

Insplre85's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Veritas Netbackup Operations Manager

Hi All

I'm newbie to this forum.. Hello to all

Would like to seek some advice

I have setup NOM and added all my master server into it. Its been more than a month still some of the master server show the status as Partially Online ?

Any idea why ?

  • On NOM > go to Monitoring/Master Servers > on left choose the server that you are having issues with then below you will see disable data collection > choose that then hit F5 until it shows the down arrow and the status says offline > now choose enabel data collection - and hit F5 until it show up and the stauts says online - you should now be able to get all your info.

    Some changes has been made in 6.5.4 to fix this issue. 
