6 years agoLevel 6
vm full backup
We are facing escalations because of skip of FULL backups from 1000 of VM in the environment.
We have around 20 deactivated policies and 50 activated policy.
We are using intelligent VMware policies.Please suggest any method.
Okay - I see the problem - the position of the "done" in the for loop - I missed that previsouly.
Try this instead:
for in `cat allvmpun1235.txt`;do echo "Client:$i";./bpimagelist -d 06/01/2019 00:00:00 -e 06/17/2019 00:00:00 -client $i -l | awk '/^IMAGE/ {print $2, $7, $11}' | egrep -i "week|Full"; done
Previously the egrep was removing the "Client: $i" line from the output - my mistake for not testing.