Forum Discussion

NIKHIL234656595's avatar
13 years ago



2. What does (from master server) this output show?

# vmoprcmd -hoststatus -h <mediaserverwithtapedriveproblem>

Cant i login on the media server and run vmoprcmd?



  • Yes. You can run vmoprcmd commands from master server with -h <mediaserverwithtapedriveproblem>

    Also documented in Commands Manual (no need for me to post URL - we have given you links to manuals about a 100 times...).

    No need to ask all these questions - read up in manuals, then type the commands. Best way to learn is through own experience.

  • vmoprcmd -d ds -h <mediaserverwithtapedriveproblem>

    Cant i login on the media server and run vmoprcmd?


  • Yes you can login to the media server and run vmoprcmd to perfrom various operation related to the 

    tape drives. For more info, refer

  • or i can run below from master server also?


    vmoprcmd -d ds -h <mediaserverwithtapedriveproblem>


    Both are same?

  • Yes. You can run vmoprcmd commands from master server with -h <mediaserverwithtapedriveproblem>

    Also documented in Commands Manual (no need for me to post URL - we have given you links to manuals about a 100 times...).

    No need to ask all these questions - read up in manuals, then type the commands. Best way to learn is through own experience.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Agree with Marianne,

    Your forum post are very inquisitive but ones that should be researched via the in-depth guides Symantec provide with the software (it also available on the ISO downloaded for NetBackup software!). (I'll be honest, I have not read them ALL end to end - who has!) BUT they are right there on my hard drive/usb stick/dropbox etc 

    Just as a mechanic doesn't know every nook and bolt on a car, he has the manual from the manufacturer that he might refer to.

    The forum is a good tool, resource, but also is your time in learning and trying.

    I would advise you get a test environment setup and try out these commands you are asking..

    Can I run this? What if I run this? We have knowledge to share but dont know the real impact within your environment - only you do.

    Your confidence in the product will grow. You never know you might end up contributing!

    Look at the handy links page. Its on Mariannes signature above.

    We are not discouraging you from posting. But think about the context in why you are asking.

    eg: If I run this command on my master server what impact would it have on running jobs?