VMware backup jobs stuck in "Begin Writing" after upgrade to 7.7
We have been backup up our VMs for several years without problems, but after a recent upgrade to 7.7, random jobs hangs after the Begin writing message. This happens regardless of how many VMs there are in the Query. I have scanned through the BPFIS,BPCD, BPBRM, BPBKAR and BPTM logs, but I can not find anything unusual about the jobs that hangs. This behaviour is completely random, but there are always a couple of jobs that are stuck when I arrive in the office each morning.
We are using NFS Datastores, so the transport mode is set to only use NBD. We are backuing up through Vcenter, and the VMware environment is 6.0, both on vcenter and esxi.
I am looking for a way to deal with this problem. Can I make such stuck jobs time out in a way? Then they would be autmatically restarted as long as they are still within the backup window. Now they are just stuck until I manually cancel them
Like I said, this problem showed up after the 7.7 Netbackup Upgrade. The 7.7.1-upgrade did not solve the problem.