Is there a procedure other than the admin guide for VMware to get the VM backups started via Vcentre.
In addition to the NBU for VMware guide (which really contains all the info and steps you need), have a look at this excellent article:
(Netbackup) VMWare Backup over SAN
Also a series of 'Nuts and Bolts' blogs by Abdul Rasheed:
Danie, please be aware of firewall port requirements as well:
Note also that only Windows and Linux (RHEL and SUSE) are supported as VMware Backup hosts.
Statement of Support for NetBackup 7.x in a Virtual Environment: http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH127089- Anonymous11 years ago
I have just setup a NetBackup master server from scratch in the last 2 weeks.
And The crux of getting this to work is to have a couple of things in place:
- NetBackup Enterprise Client license loaded on the master server.
- This then adds the Virtual Machine Servers branch under Media and Device Management > Credentials branch within the NetBackup Administration GUI
- Create a user on the local vcenter server (assuming its a Windows vcenter server) or use an AD windows account. Set account password to non-expiring.
- In vSphere Administration on the vcenter server using the vsphere client add a new role. Call it NetBackup for VMware user. And then assign the following permissions as provided by Symantec in this TECHNOTE. What are the minimum permissions needed to properly backup and restore using vStorage api?
- In vSphere Client navigate to the object you want the user in 2. to be defined in for having permissions. I suggest either at the vCenter top level or a Datacenter level, and give them the role defined in 3.
- In the NetBackup Administration Console navigate to the branch in 1.1 above.
- Add a Virtual Machine Server and enter the FQDN of your vcenter server and choose it as that type of server. Add in the credentials in 2. above. domainname\vnbu or vnbu for example as username format.
- The dialog will perform a test validation of the connection now into your vcenter server.
- At this point you now at least able to test prove that NetBackup Query the inventory of your vcenter server at the level you gave it in 4. above. from within a Policy of type for backing up Virtual Machines.
- Suggest you now present the datastore LUNS to the NetBackup media server that will be backing up the virtual machine storage of your virtual machines.
- There is a suggestion to possibly at the shared storage management level to make these luns only read only to the vmware backup host. Of course in a nice small setup this could be also your master server that is the media server for your NetBackup for VMware.
- There is the option of installing the NetBackup plugin for visibility within vSphere of your backup status of your VM's - suggest delving into the guide for that though.
Good luck and this should be a quick guide to getting you going.
- NetBackup Enterprise Client license loaded on the master server.