VMware Instant Recovery failure
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Hello All,
I am also facing the same issue, I have tried with below command and is not helping me:
c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>nbrestorevm -vmw -ir_activate -C labvmclient -vmproxy labrecoveryhost -disk_media_server labrecoveryhost -vmserver vcentervc0
1 -temp_location
labvmclient - VM client
labrecoveryhost - Windows 2012 R2 media server as well as recovery host with NFS service configured.
Destination where backup has been taken is on Basic Disk - Data Domain.
-temp_location - this is temporary location where we are trying to mount the backup image.
ESX in this vcenter is enabled with VMKernel NIC for NFS.
Telnet ports between ESX and Recovery host/Media Server has been checked for 111 and 7934
Error Message:
12/06/2016 06:37:42 - Info bprd (pid=13138) Waiting for Instant Recovery job to end
12/06/2016 06:37:42 - Info bprd (pid=13138) Starting to export a backup image on the media server labrecoveryhost
12/06/2016 06:37:42 - Error bprd (pid=13138) Failed to export a backup image on the media server labrecoveryhost
socket open failed (21)
Please help with this issue and what logs can be checked at what server roles.
Does anybody has got the process flow for instant reocvery
See if these TNs help:
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2012 and Windows 2012 R2
http://www.veritas.com/docs/000112361Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a Windows 2012 or Windows 2012 R2 media server