Vmware machine quiescing and non quiescing
Hi Champs,
I have around 1000 VM being backed up in the environment with NBU 8.1.
With some VM we have policy being set to "Virtual Machine quiescing equals Enabled" and in some policies it is set to "Disabled".
I need to know by means of any command or script like what all are the VMs which are being backed up by quiescing Enabled option and Quiescing Disabled option.
NBU 8.1
VMware backup Policy
Hi Noazara,
Something I have knocked together to list your policies, identify which ones are using No Quiesce,
and then a bpimagelist of n hours (24 in the script).
It ties the two together and shows which clients were backed up with a NOQ policy.
sudo bppllist -allpolicies > /tmp/bppllist_allpolices
cat /tmp/bppllist_allpolices | awk '
$1=="CLASS" { POLICY=$2 }
$1$2=="SSMARGdisable_quiesce" { SETTING=$3
if ( SETTING=="1" ) { SETTING="NOQUIESCE" ; printf("POLICY %s %s\n",POLICY,SETTING) }}' > /tmp/f1sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 24 > /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours
cat /tmp/bpimagelist_last_n_hours | awk '
$1=="IMAGE" { client=$2 ; policy=$7 ; printf("IMAGE %s %s\n",policy,client)}' > /tmp/f2( cat /tmp/f1 ; cat /tmp/f2 ) | awk '
$1=="POLICY" { noqp[$2]=$3 }
$1=="IMAGE" { POLICY=$2 ; CLIENT=$3 ; printf( "%s %s %s \n",POLICY,CLIENT,noqp[POLICY]) } ' | grep NOQUIESCE | awk '!seen[$0]++'Its a little rough, but hope this helps and gets you going.