Forum Discussion

DPeaco's avatar
7 years ago

VMWare VADP Backup - Single file restore


Doing some testing in our lab. Installed a new master server, version 8.1.1 of NetBackup. Linux server. Also setup a Linux VM as a media server with 100GB of disk to play with. I have a test VM in the lab that I setup a VADP backup on and I can see the VMDK's just fine, but when I got to try and restore a single file from the backup? No such luck. Yes, I have all the setting as required in the doc for VMWare Intelligent Policy. I have the correct check boxes checked. Under 7.7.3 I am able to restore a single file but if I do a clean install of NBU 8.1 and then patch to 8.1.1, I can not restore a single file from a VADP backup. What's up with that?

Also, one more can I exclude a specific folder name from VCenter so that a VADP backup doesn't back the storage up that is inside that specific folder? Or maybe this needs to be a different thread topic?

  • DPeaco wrote:


    The Client VM is CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), running NBU 8.1.1


    I have gone through the NBU documentation several times and still coming up "empty" for file level recovery. 


    Seems you forgot to check Support/compatibility docs.
    As per the 'Support for NetBackup 7.7.x and 8.x in virtual environments'  doc in Systems_Team's post, CentOS is NOT supported for individual file restore.

    See Table 13 VMware guest operating systems supported for file-level recovery on page 22 and 23.

    It has never been supported.

  • Hi DPeaco,

    You don't say what OS (and OS version) your test VM client is, so I'm guessing Linux?  Also does this statement - "Under 7.7.3 I am able to restore a single file but if I do a clean install of NBU 8.1 and then patch to 8.1.1" refer to the client, or your Master/Media Server?  As I'm not sure, I wanted to check - Do have a NetBackup client installed on your test VM client?  Without a client installed that functionality doesn't work.

    There used to be a list which detailed what OS's are supported for single file recovery from a VM backup.  I'm trying to find that, so please pop back with the OS (and OS version) for your test VM client.

    For your other query, no - it is not possible to exclude particular folders or files within a VM backup.  The only option you have for exclusion with VM backups is to exclude "boot disks" or exclude "data disks".  You'll find this setting on the VMware tab of your policy.  Click the Advanced button, and the option is called "Virtual disk selection".

    Hope this helps,


      • AndreaBolongaro's avatar
        Level 5

        Hi DPeaco,

        regarding  your query for excluding a specific folder name from VCenter so that a VADP backup doesn't back the storage up that is inside that specific folder, if you mean excluding some vms inside a folder in Vcenter, my suggestion is to use VIP (VMware Intelligent Policy) rules. There are lots of fields and operators to work with.

        Hope it helps,
