VMWare VADP Backup - Single file restore
Doing some testing in our lab. Installed a new master server, version 8.1.1 of NetBackup. Linux server. Also setup a Linux VM as a media server with 100GB of disk to play with. I have a test VM in the lab that I setup a VADP backup on and I can see the VMDK's just fine, but when I got to try and restore a single file from the backup? No such luck. Yes, I have all the setting as required in the doc for VMWare Intelligent Policy. I have the correct check boxes checked. Under 7.7.3 I am able to restore a single file but if I do a clean install of NBU 8.1 and then patch to 8.1.1, I can not restore a single file from a VADP backup. What's up with that?
Also, one more question......how can I exclude a specific folder name from VCenter so that a VADP backup doesn't back the storage up that is inside that specific folder? Or maybe this needs to be a different thread topic?
DPeaco wrote:
The Client VM is CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), running NBU 8.1.1
I have gone through the NBU documentation several times and still coming up "empty" for file level recovery.
Seems you forgot to check Support/compatibility docs.
As per the 'Support for NetBackup 7.7.x and 8.x in virtual environments' doc in Systems_Team's post, CentOS is NOT supported for individual file restore.See Table 13 VMware guest operating systems supported for file-level recovery on page 22 and 23.
It has never been supported.