Forum Discussion

X2's avatar
6 years ago

VxUpdate install push fails for Solaris 10

Has anyone noticed anything similar when trying to push an upgrade via VxUpdate?

Client is running 8.1.1 and is a Solaris10 (Generic_150400-59 sun4u sparc) a container. The global zone is running NetBackup 8.2.

23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Installing NetBackup Pre-Check as <VRTSnbpck>
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) ## Executing preinstall script.
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Thursday, January 23, 2020  3:27:33 PM EST: Installing package VRTSnbpck.
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Bad string
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Resolved machine role [CLIENT] from existing NetBackup configuration.
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Bad string
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Bad string
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Please review the VERITAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT located on
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) the installation media before proceeding. The agreement includes
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) contained in this release, check the Installation and Upgrade checklists
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) and the Hot Fix and EEB Release Auditor, both available on the Veritas
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) page:
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790)
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) ERROR:   Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790)          operating system and version client binaries on [FQDN].
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) ERROR:   Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790)          operating system and version client binaries on [FQDN].
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) pkgadd: ERROR: preinstall script did not complete successfully
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) 
23-Jan-2020 3:27:35 PM - Info RUNCMD (pid=46790) Installation of <VRTSnbpck> failed.

The following appears in the VRTSnbpck install log file

ERROR:   Detected an attempt to install incorrect platform and/or
         operating system and version client binaries on [FQDN>].

and packages installed on the container are:

application VRTSnbcfg NetBackup Configuration
application VRTSnbclt NetBackup Client
application VRTSnbjava NetBackup Java Console
application VRTSnbjre NetBackup Java JRE
application VRTSnbpck NetBackup Pre-Check

PS: This issue has appeared on more than 1 container.

  • Hello,

    review all NetBackup policies for this client if it has a correct OS/HW type configured in them.



    • X2's avatar

      Both the global zone and the container are setup as Solaris/Solaris10 in their backup policy and backed up only via a single backup policy.