Forum Discussion

Kev_Lamb's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly Full Backup


At present I use calendar based schedules on our policies and they run a Weekly Full and Daily Incrementals, the backups are sent to a VLS12000 which uses deduplication, the deduplication is based on Schedules, we arec hitting the buffers regarding space on the VLS with our current set-up.

I was wondering what people opinions are of using more incrementals on a policy, so we could have a Monthly or Fortnightly Full backup and Differential Incrementals inbetween, is there any danger using this method this woudl also free up time for any server maintenance without having to wait for a full backup to complete on the weekend

Does anyone use this type of scheduling and have you had any issues?


Any thoughts would be appreciated



  • Cheers Mark,

    At present I am Ok with the assitance everyone has given and have implemented a course of action for the future, just need to get the company to cough up the cash for the EV :-)

    I will close this thread off

  • Hi Nicolai,

    I have changed one policy so far on one of our Fileservers, we were backing up over 500Gb per week with a Full backup then Diff Inc inbetween these times, I have now set it to Full at the begining of the month and Cumu Inc every other Friday with Diff Inc inbetween, the Full was 569Gb followed by a Cumu Inc of only 19Gb, it is early days yet but i will be looking to see if we do have a saving on the VLS, I will let you know once we have a few weeks worth of data to compare.

    The problem we have in the business is we do not have a proper archiveing solution so our Full backups do contain data that has not changed in some instances for over 5 years hence the use of Cumu Inc now so we will no longer be "archiveing" every week as we were doing.

  • You could do with one or two things to reallyhelp here:

    1. Disk to back up to which will allow you to run Synthetic Full backups

    2. Enterprise Vault to archive those old files off the systems

    Just thoughts....

  • Hi Mark,

    We are currently looking at an implementation of Enterprise Vault for File System Archive, hopefully we can get this in at the beginning of the new year, this will certainly help with our backups as we are backing up a lot of data that is over 12 months old and has never been touched since.



  • Great stuff - anything else we can help you with in relation to this or are you happy?

    Dont know if you can mark a Solution for this one but it is nice for threads to be closed off once all the information needed has been obtained.

    Let us know if we can help further

  • Cheers Mark,

    At present I am Ok with the assitance everyone has given and have implemented a course of action for the future, just need to get the company to cough up the cash for the EV :-)

    I will close this thread off