Forum Discussion

Mark_Donaldson's avatar
2 months ago

Where's my Gigabytes?

I've got a duplication running (manual "bpduplicate" with a "-Bidfile") that seems to be moving about 50G every 10 minutes or so (just an "eyeball average").  This is definitely not reflected in the GB/sec counter at the bottom of the job detail screen. 

Even if I acknowledge that it's not frequently updated or even updated only in between images in the list of images supplied to bpduplicate, I seem to be missing a lot of gigabytes.

Anybody know where my GB are?  screen snap attached.


  • Mark,

    I never pay attention to what the activity monitor counts as transferred data. In most cases, it's not accurate.  

    Instead, I use a script to count the bpdb-transferred bytes.  

  • Replying to myself.  This is v10.4.0.1 of NBU on Flex appliance. If I add up all the six images that it's duplicated so far, it's 23TB (they're big - this is my main fileserver). There's 174 bpids in my Bidfile.