Forum Discussion

Chidananda91's avatar
10 years ago

Windows backup is failing with 13 status

HI All,


Windows backup is failing with status 13, Here is the details.

Client:Windows 2008 R2 Enterpris, NBU

Attached bpbkar and bpfis logs and job details

01/14/2016 14:36:11 - Info nbjm (pid=11122) starting backup job (jobid=9235277) for client stlwsqlsp1tst01, policy FS_Windows.D, schedule Full
01/14/2016 14:36:11 - Info nbjm (pid=11122) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=9235277, request id:{0EBA2DE2-BA9E-11E5-AF45-60455253171B})
01/14/2016 14:36:11 - requesting resource stu_dd_prd22
01/14/2016 14:36:11 - requesting resource na1000bmaprd02-b.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.stlwsqlsp1tst01
01/14/2016 14:36:11 - requesting resource na1000bmaprd02-b.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.FS_Windows.D
01/14/2016 14:36:11 - awaiting resource stu_dd_prd22. Maximum job count has been reached for the storage unit.
01/14/2016 14:36:26 - granted resource  na1000bmaprd02-b.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.stlwsqlsp1tst01
01/14/2016 14:36:26 - granted resource  na1000bmaprd02-b.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.FS_Windows.D
01/14/2016 14:36:26 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaa8;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dd_prd22;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=na1000smaprd22-b;MediaServer=na1000smaprd22-b
01/14/2016 14:36:26 - granted resource  stu_dd_prd22
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - estimated 23069144 kbytes needed
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Parent Job
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Snapshot: Start Notify Script
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - Info RUNCMD (pid=161950) started
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - Info RUNCMD (pid=161950) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - end Snapshot: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Snapshot: Step By Condition
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - end Snapshot: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Snapshot: Stream Discovery
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - end Snapshot: Stream Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Snapshot: Read File List
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - end Snapshot: Read File List; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:36:30 - begin Snapshot: Create Snapshot
01/14/2016 14:36:31 - started process bpbrm (pid=84886)
01/14/2016 14:36:32 - Info bpbrm (pid=84886) stlwsqlsp1tst01 is the host to backup data from
01/14/2016 14:36:32 - Info bpbrm (pid=84886) reading file list for client
01/14/2016 14:36:32 - Info bpbrm (pid=84886) start bpfis on client
01/14/2016 14:36:32 - Info bpbrm (pid=84886) Starting create snapshot processing
01/14/2016 14:36:34 - Info bpfis (pid=9144) Backup started
01/14/2016 14:43:00 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - vfm_freeze_commit: method: VSS, type: FIM, function: VSS_gentree
01/14/2016 14:43:00 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - snapshot services: snapshot target analysis failed: resource not claimed by any provider.
01/14/2016 14:43:00 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - vfm_freeze_commit: method: VSS, type: FIM, function: VSS_gentree
01/14/2016 14:43:00 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - snapshot services: snapshot target analysis failed: resource not claimed by any provider.
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - do_reaccess: cannot open reaccess file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.stlwsqlsp1tst01_1452762390.1.0.fiid
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Critical bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: FTL - snapshot processing failed, status 4203
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - C:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - H:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - I:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - J:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - K:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - L:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - M:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - N:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - O:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - P:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - Q:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - R:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - S:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - T:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - V:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - W:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - X:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - Y:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - Z:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Warning bpbrm (pid=84886) from client stlwsqlsp1tst01: WRN - System State:\ is not frozen
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Info bpbrm (pid=84886) INF - BPFIS MESSAGE Routing to stream based backup for windows open file backup case, generating remap directive
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Info bpfis (pid=9144) done. status: 0
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - end Snapshot: Create Snapshot; elapsed time 0:06:31
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Info bpfis (pid=9144) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - end writing
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:06:31
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - Info nbjm (pid=11122) snapshotid=stlwsqlsp1tst01_1452762390
01/14/2016 14:43:01 - begin Snapshot: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Operation Status: 13
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - end Snapshot: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:10:15
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - begin Snapshot: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - end Snapshot: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - begin Snapshot: Delete Snapshot
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - end Snapshot: Delete Snapshot; elapsed time 0:00:00
01/14/2016 14:53:16 - begin Snapshot: End Notify Script
01/14/2016 14:53:17 - Info RUNCMD (pid=199948) started
01/14/2016 14:53:17 - Info RUNCMD (pid=199948) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
01/14/2016 14:53:17 - end Snapshot: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:01
Operation Status: 13
file read failed  (13)
  • The backup client spent about 10 minutes trying to snapshot a lot of volumes, and gave up - and you have a WOFB stop on error config.

    Is this a new client?  If not new, has always been ok until now?

    You say the client is WIn 2008 R2 Ent, but is it SP1?

    I see a lot of drive letters, and this error:

    snapshot target analysis failed: resource not claimed by any provider.

    ...which makes me think that you're going to need to carefully check VSS first.

    Perhaps this might help:

  • The backup client spent about 10 minutes trying to snapshot a lot of volumes, and gave up - and you have a WOFB stop on error config.

    Is this a new client?  If not new, has always been ok until now?

    You say the client is WIn 2008 R2 Ent, but is it SP1?

    I see a lot of drive letters, and this error:

    snapshot target analysis failed: resource not claimed by any provider.

    ...which makes me think that you're going to need to carefully check VSS first.

    Perhaps this might help:

  • Hi sdo,


    Thank you, We are working as you suggested and will get back to you with the resutls.


  • Hi,


    VSS is failing to create the snapshots but there are no file locks, PFA screenshot of the error encountered and file locks,Windows team is also being involved,

  • Hi,


     I went ahead to create and delete the snapshot and it worked. But creating snapshot using bpfis is failing with the attached error.


  • Does a D: volume even exist?

    What does this command show:

    wmic logicaldisk list brief
  • Sorry, D Drive doesnt exists, But I tried the command for existing drives also, PFA screenshot of the error and drives present

    And The server is in cluster and all the drives except c are shared drives and this server is the active node presently

    C:\Users\ccmn_na_p>wmic logicaldisk list brief
    DeviceID  DriveType  FreeSpace     ProviderName  Size           VolumeName
    C:        3          39398191104                 146161987584
    H:        3          303447285760                1101655961600
    I:        3          1019199488                  1070592000     MSDTC
    J:        3          305591980032                1099508477952  Data
    K:        3          455492546560                1099508477952  Logs
    L:        3          528749993984                1073738674176  New Volume
    M:        3          170414747648                1099508477952  M:
    N:        3          317229531136                536863989760   Search
    O:        3          464963674112                1099508477952  O:
    P:        3          336484646912                536863989760   Logs
    Q:        3          328070086656                536863989760   Logs
    R:        3          595535507456                1610609586176  Data2
    S:        3          260433199104                551900147712   Data
    T:        3          185930723328                1099508477952  TempDB
    V:        3          179408117760                1073738674176  V:
    W:        3          148779237376                1073738674176  Drive_W
    X:        3          550569627648                2199020105728  Logs
    Y:        3          193612087296                1073738674176  Drive_Y
    Z:        3          112094973952                1073738674176  Z:





  • I can't get that test bpfis command to work either, I get the same error on two different v7.7.1 test systems, but this could bit a little bit of a red herring, i.e. some kind of syntax mis-match between the tech note and the versions that we are running.  Let's leave this for while.  Hopefully someone else will tell both you and me what we're doing wrong with our manual CLI call to bpfis.

    Anyway, in the meantime, what I want to do is to go back to your post on 22nd, where you showed a screen shot that showed that "vssadmin" reported that "shadow copying the specified volume is not supported".  Could you try that command again, and then after it has failed collect the exit/error status:

    vssadmin add shadowstorage /for=C: /on=J: /maxsize=900MB
    echo %errorlevel%

    ...and then also check your Windows event logs to see why the command failed.

  • Error level i got is 2 and nothing in event viewer. As of now  I am opening a case with Veritas, Let us check what they are gonna say about this.I will keep you updated.




  • Ok - fingers crossed you get to the bottom of it.

    FYI - if... and it is a big IF... the exit code from that vssadmin call is a Win32 status code, then a Win32 status code 2 is "file not found", but this seems too bland for VSS... I'm trying to find a list of "vssadmin" status codes... (I've not had much luck so far, if even such a list exists...)...


    This next link is for Win32 status codes 0 through 499.  It is not a list of specific VSS status codes.


  • Hi,


    Surprisingly backup is working now, But Symantec TSE is also not able to provide any specific reason for the failure of backups, Thanks for the response 


