Forum Discussion

sa2's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

Computer appears as not protected

I'm new to nss, my client appear to be not protected, I have added location, protection level then within I add a policy with p recreated template on netbackup master server and add a computer and choose the protection level that I have created, but the client still appeared to be not protected and when I log in with user name and password I can't find backup icon only restore is a available
Another question can I allow users to restore files for computers that they own that their backup images was taken by Normal netbackup policy not through nss
  • Hi

    So as part of the setup you create a template policy in NBU, what the attribuites are of the policy is up to you.

    When you create the protection type(s) you associate this with the template policy(s).

    In NSS (and logged in as a tenant) you then add a machine into the protection type you have setup. NSS then goes and looks to see if there is an existing policy for that tenant, if there is it add it in, if not it takes a copy of the template and creates a new one - this is the one you can run manually in NBU to create a backup rather than wait for it to run according to the shedule of the template policy you setup..

    You don't need to create an Unmanaged Protection level (in NSS) to see a machines backups, these will appear automatically. The use of Unmanaged Protection level is so the status shows as 'Protected' rather than 'Unprotected' and is purely a visual function in NSS.

    Have a play and let me know how you get on , it may be easier to jump on a webex with you next week to run through this.

5 Replies

  • Hi

    Until the NBU policy runs the machine will appear as unprotected (status red) as there is no backup. You could try manually running the policy in NBU,  then go to the monitoring tab in the NSS homepage and run a system update (click on cog next to 'System Sync' and select 'Run Now') to pull the catalog image data into NSS. Once there are valid backups and NSS hasseen them your status will go green.

    You can restore files from any image, it does not have to be from a policy managed by NSS. Optionally (you don't need to do this to restore files) you can monitor the Computer for avaialble backups using the UnManaged (policy by NSS) protection type.

    Let us know how you get on?



    • sa2's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi Jon ,
      which policy should i try to run it manual ? do you mean that when i configure the client in NBU i create policy for it 
      and run it ?

      what shoud i add for the polciy template for  protection level policy 

      how can i create unmanged policy to see images that were taken by NBU

      sorry for the alot of Question as i'm new to it and intersted to know more about it 

      • JonHunt's avatar
        Level 5


        So as part of the setup you create a template policy in NBU, what the attribuites are of the policy is up to you.

        When you create the protection type(s) you associate this with the template policy(s).

        In NSS (and logged in as a tenant) you then add a machine into the protection type you have setup. NSS then goes and looks to see if there is an existing policy for that tenant, if there is it add it in, if not it takes a copy of the template and creates a new one - this is the one you can run manually in NBU to create a backup rather than wait for it to run according to the shedule of the template policy you setup..

        You don't need to create an Unmanaged Protection level (in NSS) to see a machines backups, these will appear automatically. The use of Unmanaged Protection level is so the status shows as 'Protected' rather than 'Unprotected' and is purely a visual function in NSS.

        Have a play and let me know how you get on , it may be easier to jump on a webex with you next week to run through this.