Forum Discussion

dododo__'s avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

Custom Report for audit purpose?

Is there any way to create a custom report, which states a client, what directoies of the client are being backed up, retention of them and the last successsful backup, for all clients in NBU or selected clients in NBU?



Peisui Allen





  • Peisui,


    Try this:


    Reports -> Custom -> Custom Reports ->  Category: Backup Job/Image/Media, Report Type: Tabular -> Next -> Add Columns: Job Client (Sort: Ascending), Policy (Sort: Ascending), Job Directory (Sort: Ascending), Schedule (Sort: Ascending), Job Primary ID (Operation: Count) in that order of columns -> Choose a Report Time Frame long enough to include all to the schedules (say a month to catch the monthly's).  You will get a report where the last column is the count of the runs for that client, policy, directory, and schedule for that period but is labelled "Job Primary ID".  This is similar to the constructs you would see in SQL.



    Hope this helps,



  • Hi,


    I am able to create a report, which is very close to the requirements. For some reasons under the "Job Directory", it only shows "Other". Is there anyway to make the report showing the real directory instead of Other?


    Appreciate of any input. Thanks.


  • Hey Peisui,

    "other" and "unknown" show up for jobs that don't have a directory associated with them. Like say erasing or labeling a tape.  If you simply filter out types where job directory = other that will get rid of them (or you could filter by job type only equal to "backup".



  • Peisui,


    Do you have multi-streaming turned on?  You will need to make a change to your data collection to get the Job Directory information in a multi-stream environment, especially when you do things like All Local Drives.  You will need to go to Settings -> Global Settings -> Agent Configuration -> click each Configured Agent -> each Module Name for NBU -> Make sure BreakUp Jobs to True.


    Joe has a good point that some of the backup jobs will still have Other.  One case is for the "parent" job in certain multi-stream situations.



  • Be careful on turning on breakupjobs. I believe there are issues doing so if you run rman backups in that particular agents environment.
  • That was an issue with earlier versions of VBR.  It is fixed in the lastest versions (6.5.x).

  • Tony,


    Would you please explain the cases for the "parent" job in certain multi-stream situations will show "Other"?

    The report contains 50% of "Other" in Job Directory.


    Current added new configurations :

    1. Set "true" on Backup Jobs of all agents, all its modules

    2. Backup Job Type is equal to "Backup".






  • The report, which I created, is not quite match of what I need for audit purpose. (The Audit requires listing all clients, their backup directories, retention, and frequency – no matter if they get backup or not at this point)


    I defined viewable columns to Hostname, Policy, Job Directory, and Schedule and tricked around the Filter. Job Directory was successfully shown (thanks Joe and Tony), but the info I got is an operational/backup status report during a time frame that I defined.


    Here I mean operational/backup status report is the report shows up the same hostname, same directory multiple times (due to a host has multiple successfully backups) and it does not list the hostnames, who were never got backed up. I called this is an operational/backup status report. I simply just want to have a setup report here and valuate the SLA later.


    Would anyone have a better method to create a report that contains Hostnames, their policy, directory, frequency, and retention?



  • Peisui,


    Try this:


    Reports -> Custom -> Custom Reports ->  Category: Backup Job/Image/Media, Report Type: Tabular -> Next -> Add Columns: Job Client (Sort: Ascending), Policy (Sort: Ascending), Job Directory (Sort: Ascending), Schedule (Sort: Ascending), Job Primary ID (Operation: Count) in that order of columns -> Choose a Report Time Frame long enough to include all to the schedules (say a month to catch the monthly's).  You will get a report where the last column is the count of the runs for that client, policy, directory, and schedule for that period but is labelled "Job Primary ID".  This is similar to the constructs you would see in SQL.



    Hope this helps,



  • Thanks. This is great !! 


    A question from previous: Under what circumstances the Job Directory will show "Other"? 


    thanks again.

  • Peisui,


    You are welcome.


    The Other will still appear as the "parent" job in a multi-stream environment.  It may also have some size to it which is a reconciliation between the size of the original items on disk and the size on the backup media.  This is attributed to different overhead to store the items on the backup media.

