Forum Discussion

BMcg66's avatar
15 years ago

Custom report to show Deactivated Policy(ies) needed ASAP please!

I'm totally new to Backup Reporter and while I've done *some* in the past, it's not my forte.  I'm going to see what tutorial(s) are available to help me become proficient, but right now, time is precious.  What I need to create is a report for my VP of IT that shows what Backup Policy or Policies are currently deactivated.  Thanks!!
  • select distinct backupPolicyName as InactivePolicy,
                    objectPrimaryDisplayName as Masterserver
    from ccsvc.backupPolicy,
    where backupPolicyActive = 0
      and backupPolicyDomainID = backupPolicyBackupPolicyDomainID
      and backupPolicyDomainMasterServerObjectID = ObjectID
    • shwetadogra's avatar
      Level 1



      Can you tell me what is ccsvc? while running query i am getting unable to find user id.