Forum Discussion

Aris56's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Opscenter : report on data growth on backup with accelarator option enabled.




i have this file server(terabytes of data) backed up with accelerator turned on.

i want to calculate the data growth, but not possible to get the exact size of data backed up since the accelerator is enabled.

the report will produce an output as below:

full backup.PNG

data on May was the last full backup before we enable accelerator.

any idea how to get the exact size of the actual full backup?

  • You can run a sql query, the result will just be a table, not a graph. You can try

    COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.bytesWritten)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Written (GB)',

    COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.PreSISSize)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Protected (GB)',
    domain_JobArchive.ClientName as "Client",
    DATEFORMAT(cast(UTCBigintToNOMTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime) as DATETIME), 'yyyy-mm-dd') as "Date"
    FROM domain_JobArchive
    DATEDIFF(day,UTCBigIntToNomTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 30
    domain_JobArchive.type in (0)
    domain_JobArchive.clientname like '%CASE SENSITIVE CLIENT NAME%'
    group by "Client", "Date" order by "Date"

  • Not sure which reports you're running. In OpsCenter Database it records to values, kbytes and what is called presissize. Kbytes is what is stored after deduplication, presissize is the actual size of the backup. Many reports use Kbytes and the results are therefore not accurate in terms of what you thought you'd see.


    You could either create your own custom report or use an SQL query to get the figures you're looking for.


    P.S This only applies if you're using MSDP/Appliance, not with other deduplication OST vendors.


    Hi Riaan,

    i took the backup with accelerator enable.

    so not all files were being backed up or transfered for the full backup with this option enabled.

    From the graph attached(i select report template>backup report>Job Activity Reports>Job Size), the first time full backup showing the whole size of data backed up and the full backup after that, only files that have been changed were transfered.


    Is there any report template to show the specific client full backup actual size?


    Pleae advise.

  • You can run a sql query, the result will just be a table, not a graph. You can try

    COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.bytesWritten)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Written (GB)',

    COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.PreSISSize)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Protected (GB)',
    domain_JobArchive.ClientName as "Client",
    DATEFORMAT(cast(UTCBigintToNOMTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime) as DATETIME), 'yyyy-mm-dd') as "Date"
    FROM domain_JobArchive
    DATEDIFF(day,UTCBigIntToNomTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 30
    domain_JobArchive.type in (0)
    domain_JobArchive.clientname like '%CASE SENSITIVE CLIENT NAME%'
    group by "Client", "Date" order by "Date"


    Hi Riaan,


    thanks for the query.

    what is the different between written and protected?





  • When you're using MSDP/Appliance you'll have two figures. The "protected" or PreSISsize is what is really on the client, and the figure you'll see in the Kbytes column of the activity monitor. The Kbytes written is what is actually stored by the deduplication storage server (The first backup would be the full set of data, but subsequent data sets would only by block/segment level changes).


    Hi Riaan,

    thanks for the explanation.


