Opscenter : report on data growth on backup with accelarator option enabled.
i have this file server(terabytes of data) backed up with accelerator turned on.
i want to calculate the data growth, but not possible to get the exact size of data backed up since the accelerator is enabled.
the report will produce an output as below:
data on May was the last full backup before we enable accelerator.
any idea how to get the exact size of the actual full backup?
You can run a sql query, the result will just be a table, not a graph. You can try
COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.bytesWritten)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Written (GB)',COALESCE(CAST(SUM(domain_JobArchive.PreSISSize)/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0 AS NUMERIC (20,2)), 0) AS 'Protected (GB)',
domain_JobArchive.ClientName as "Client",
DATEFORMAT(cast(UTCBigintToNOMTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime) as DATETIME), 'yyyy-mm-dd') as "Date"
FROM domain_JobArchive
DATEDIFF(day,UTCBigIntToNomTime(domain_JobArchive.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 30
domain_JobArchive.type in (0)
domain_JobArchive.clientname like '%CASE SENSITIVE CLIENT NAME%'
group by "Client", "Date" order by "Date"