OpsCenter client backup performance report
I am looking for a tabular report which will provide me information about given client name and:
backup date, backup type (full, cinc, dinc), backup duration (hh:mm:ss), backup size (kB), files backed, snapshot removal (how long it took) - for vmware based backups hh:mm:ss
I am running OCA in version. Can any one shoot a SQL query for the above?
Here is the SQL with 1 exception, the snapshot removal time - is not present.
As far as I know, That information is not captured by OpsCenter.
However, please test the following SQL and let me know what you think!
SELECT clientName AS "Client", lookup_ScheduleType.name AS "Schedule Type", utcbiginttonomtime(startTime) AS "Start Time", utcbiginttonomtime(endTime) AS "End Time", DATEDIFF(mi, utcbiginttonomtime(StartTime), utcbiginttonomtime(EndTime)) AS "Duration (Min)", filesBackedUp AS "File Count", (bytesWritten/1024) AS "Size (Kilobytes)" FROM domain_job JOIN lookup_ScheduleType ON lookup_ScheduleType.id = domain_job.scheduleType WHERE clientName LIKE '%clientname%'
You will need to modify the %clientname% in the last line - and provide a client name you wish to report on.
If you want to return all clients - then remove the WHERE line all together.
Please note: There is no time limitation on this statement and will return ALL historical information for each client. This could take a long time to execute.If a time statement is needed, let me know, and I can attempt to add it.
If this resolves your issue, please mark this thread accordingly.
Thank you!