Forum Discussion

quebek's avatar
12 years ago

OpsCenter client backup performance report


I am looking for a tabular report which will provide me information about given client name and:

backup date, backup type (full, cinc, dinc), backup duration (hh:mm:ss), backup size (kB), files backed, snapshot removal (how long it took) - for vmware based backups hh:mm:ss

I am running OCA in version. Can any one shoot a SQL query for the above?

  • Quebek,

    Here is the SQL with 1 exception, the snapshot removal time - is not present.

    As far as I know, That information is not captured by OpsCenter.

    However, please test the following SQL and let me know what you think!


    SELECT clientName AS "Client", AS "Schedule Type",
    utcbiginttonomtime(startTime) AS "Start Time",
    utcbiginttonomtime(endTime) AS "End Time",
    DATEDIFF(mi, utcbiginttonomtime(StartTime), utcbiginttonomtime(EndTime)) AS "Duration (Min)",
    filesBackedUp AS "File Count",
    (bytesWritten/1024) AS "Size (Kilobytes)"
    FROM domain_job
    JOIN lookup_ScheduleType
    ON = domain_job.scheduleType
    WHERE clientName LIKE '%clientname%'

    You will need to modify the %clientname% in the last line - and provide a client name you wish to report on.


    If you want to return all clients - then remove the WHERE line all together.

    Please note: There is no time limitation on this statement and will return ALL historical information for each client. This could take a long time to execute.

    If a time statement is needed, let me know, and I can attempt to add it.

    If this resolves your issue, please mark this thread accordingly.


    Thank you!




  • Quebek,

    Here is the SQL with 1 exception, the snapshot removal time - is not present.

    As far as I know, That information is not captured by OpsCenter.

    However, please test the following SQL and let me know what you think!


    SELECT clientName AS "Client", AS "Schedule Type",
    utcbiginttonomtime(startTime) AS "Start Time",
    utcbiginttonomtime(endTime) AS "End Time",
    DATEDIFF(mi, utcbiginttonomtime(StartTime), utcbiginttonomtime(EndTime)) AS "Duration (Min)",
    filesBackedUp AS "File Count",
    (bytesWritten/1024) AS "Size (Kilobytes)"
    FROM domain_job
    JOIN lookup_ScheduleType
    ON = domain_job.scheduleType
    WHERE clientName LIKE '%clientname%'

    You will need to modify the %clientname% in the last line - and provide a client name you wish to report on.


    If you want to return all clients - then remove the WHERE line all together.

    Please note: There is no time limitation on this statement and will return ALL historical information for each client. This could take a long time to execute.

    If a time statement is needed, let me know, and I can attempt to add it.

    If this resolves your issue, please mark this thread accordingly.


    Thank you!




  • Thank you Tom!

    From where I can pull the information about the OpsCenter DB tables??

  • Quebek,

    Using DBISQLC, you can dump the table names using the following:

    OUTPUT TO "C:\Tables.txt";

    You cannot run this from the WebUI....

    To use the dbisqlc application, please refer to the following:

    With Windows Explorer,

    Navigate to C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\db\WIN64 

    Launch the program "dbisqlc.exe" from this location. 

    To connect to the database with dbisqlc, enter: 

    User ID: DBA 
    Password: SQL 

    Click on Database Tab 
    Uncheck "Stop database after last disconnect" 

    Enter the Server name: OPSCENTER_hostname    

    (example Server name: OPSCENTER_RPTSRV01 )

    Click on OK

    In the lower screen of dbisqlc labeled "Command", enter the following: 

    OUTPUT TO "C:\Tables.txt";


    Confirm the tables.txt file now exists on the root of C: or whichever path you specify.

    Exit dbisqlc.