Forum Discussion

Kev_Lamb's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

OpsCenter Reports Not Working


I have recently upgraded my OpsCenter to v7.1.0.4 both Master Servers are on v7.1.0.2, since the upgrade of OpsCenter the majority of my reports are failing with the following information: Error occurred while fetching the report output

I have gone through the reports and they all look correct and have also checked the views and these are also as per the upgrade, both the master servers are shown as connected and data collection is shown as complete for both servers.

The backup data is shown going back over 24 days from the Job Summary By Date window on the main page, also is this limited to 30 days as I though the reports span back further than that?

Is this a case of a problem with OpsCenter at this relese lecel and the master servers lower, I originaly did not think that mattered, would it be worth installing v7.5 of OpsCenter or should I back out of the upgrade that I have already done, if so how easy is that to do whilst retaining all my original reports?



  • Hi,

    Q: can the OpsCenter version be higher than the Master Servers

    A: Yes:
    I recently upgraded OpsCenter to 7.5 (to be exact : Version which is installed on the master server which is also in

    I'm able to monitor BOTH the Master BUT ALSO another one In 7.1.x.7 (This is a 5200 appliance running software Version 2.0.2)


  • I have uninstalled the update and all my reports are now working correctly, was there a known issue with the maintenance pack?

    Just to confirm, can the OpsCenter version be higher than the Master Servers???


    Looks like there is a known issue:

    Looks like an upgrade to 7.5 Ops Center if someone can confirm my question above about related versions..



  • Looks like there is an issue with this as per the link in my last email, I had to uninstall the .4 maintenance pack and it is now working as per normal, just looking to move to 7.5 instead

  • Hi,

    Q: can the OpsCenter version be higher than the Master Servers

    A: Yes:
    I recently upgraded OpsCenter to 7.5 (to be exact : Version which is installed on the master server which is also in

    I'm able to monitor BOTH the Master BUT ALSO another one In 7.1.x.7 (This is a 5200 appliance running software Version 2.0.2)


  • Cheers Altimate1, I have now installed OpsCenter 7.5.01 with View Builder and this is indeed picking up my master servers.