Symantec OpsCenter blank reports
Has anyone else had this issue.
We are running Netbackup 7.01 and OpsCenter 7.01. We have EBBs 2114227 and 2122784 both installed which fixed a reporting problem with Media Barcode.
We have a custom report set up that exports to .csv file the previous day and running that manually works fine. But we set up the report on a schedule to be emailed to us daily and the report has just the Backup Job Throughput filled in and the rest of the columns (Job Type, Policy Name, Media Barcode, etc) are all blank and have a "-" for their vaule.
We thought it was timing, but if you manually run the report all the data shows up fine.
I'm not sure if you saw this in the README for the EEB's, but it fixed our problem:
This 7.0.1 EEB bundle has following one known issue, and it can be fixed manually after
installing the EEB bundle, by carrying out the steps listed below the ET.
1) ET2147365: Error while emailing Graphical reports after applying 7.0.1 EEB bundle on Windows.
To fix the above issue on Windows, user needs carry out following steps,
1. Edit the 'OpsCenterServerService.xml'
2. Look for the line containing '-Djava.class.path=' string
3. Add the entry for 'lib\commons-lang.jar' separated by Semicolon (‘;’) to the line from #2
4. Restart the 'Symantec OpsCenter Server Service'