What's the difference between job size in Opscenter and Netbackup ?
Hello everyone,
I don't understand why there is a difference between the job size shown in Opcenter, and the Kilobytes value in Netbackup ?
For example, for the same job :
From Opcenter, I can see that the job is complete and it's size is 11.502TB
From Netbackup, I see that the job is complete, but it's size is 12.350TB
And as I have Accelerator enabled, in the detailled job, i see that we have written around 5.6TB
Feb 16, 2018 3:33:36 AM - Info bpbkar (pid=30890) accelerator sent 5643282570752 bytes out of 12646873160192 bytes to server, optimization 55.4%
So I was wondering, what is the difference between these values ? I understand that the detailled job show what is really written, and activity monitor show the total size of my backup selection, right ?
But in this case, what is the value shown in Opscenter ?
Regarding this technote : https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.000067278
"Activity Monitor shows the total size of the data protected.
OpsCenter 7.1 and 7.5, under Monitor - Jobs shows the actual amount of data written to the storage unit. "
but there is some difference between my environment and this technote. We're not using PureDisk or MSDP, but deduplication with DataDomain, and we are in Netbackup 8.0 for Netbackup and Opscenter.
So, if Opscenter show what is really written to the storage unit, why is there a difference between this value and the one in detailled status ?
You can't take the value 12,350,462,073 KB and say that it is 12.350TB. 1MB != 1000KB
If you take the value 12,350,462,073 and divide it by the proper value 1024KB instead of 1000KB.
You get 12,060,998.1182MB - Now divide it again by 1024KB
You get 11,778.3185GB - Now divide it again by 1024KB
You get 11.5022TB which is the same value that you see in OpsCenter.
To answer your second question, when using accelerator, the job size will always be displayed entire size of the backup no matter how much you backup. That doesn't mean that it was all written to disk. The number you see in the activity monitor is how much was written to disk and you also see that same number in OpsCenter. When you are looking at the list of jobs, select the job ID that you want to look at. At the bottom of the screen you will see basic job information for that job ID. There is a value called 'Data Reduction Savings Job Size' in the right column. That will match the size in the detailed status view after you convert it from bytes to GB.