Storage Foundation Veritas Volume Replicator
I have a SF for windows with VVR in my infrastructure. I have 2 Node VCS Cluster of Exchange at Primary site and 1 Node VCS Cluster of Exchange at DR site without GCO. I have HP Storage at primary site with 13 volumes and NetApp Storage at DR site with 13 Volumes as well. Due to some problem at primary site my production is now at DR site means rite now my Secondary become primary and Primary become Secondary. So i replicate the data from DR to Primary using VVR and is running successfully.
Now i want to move HP from Primary site which is passive and install New NetApp and configure the volume at primary site(Passive) and i want to replicate the Data from DR(Acive) to Primary's(Passive) HP and as well as NetApp for the time being. Is it possible to replicate the data one to many means can i replicate the data from DR(Active) NetApp to Primary's(Passive) HP and NetApp??? My Bandwidth is good which is 10GB.
IF Yes? then how??.