15 years agoLevel 3
Volume replicator is not starting
Could you please guide me how to start Veritas Volume Replicator
# vradmin -l printrvg
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-12 vradmind server not running on this system
# /etc/init.d/ start
# vradmin -l printrvg
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-12 vradmind server not running on this system
Could you please guide me how to start Veritas Volume Replicator
# vradmin -l printrvg
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-12 vradmind server not running on this system
# /etc/init.d/ start
# vradmin -l printrvg
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-12 vradmind server not running on this system
- Hello Satish,
a) do you have VVR license installed ?
b) Was this VVR setup working before ?
Paste following outputs here:
# ps -ef | grep vradmind (if there is any stale process, kill that & try starting again)
# vxlicrep -e
# vxdctl mode
# modinfo | grep -i vx
# pkgchk VRTSvxvm
Also, try restarting all of the daemons together using:
# /usr/sbin/vxstart_vvr stop
# /usr/sbin/vxstart_vvr start