regarding Critical resources in vcs
In my environment there is no critical resource defined,I am not sure why they have this type of configuraton.
Is there any other ways to define the criticality of the resources or how vcs manages these conditions
if some uncertinity happens like vcs down or something.
If a resource is configured as critical, then if that resource faults, then VCS will failover the group the resource is belongs to. If the resource is not critical and that resource faults (and there are no critical resouces depending on the non-critical resource) then its service group will not failover. A typical example of a non-critical resource is a backup IP - you want it in the service group so you can backup the applicaion where it resides, but if the backup IP fails, you dont want to cause an outage to your app while VCS fails the group over.
This is not related to VCS or nodes going down- when a node fails, groups on that node fail to other node(s) regardless of whether resources are criticial or not.