Forum Discussion

BCAM's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

SFRAC 6.1 on Solaris 10 Supportability

I have a customer who is upgrading a critical SFRAC cluster with global apps and has a question about the supportability of 6.1 Sol 10 with u8 base.

Our documentation states that that 6.1 is compatible with Sol 10 update 9 onward.  Does this mean a Sol 10 U9 BASE build or a kernel patch that serves u9 and higher?  Their current nodes are running a base Sol10 U8 build but will be patched to get to ~u11 release…but the base still remains u8…if referring to the /etc/release file.  Need some clarification on this as soon as possible.

Thank you!

  • Hi BCAM,

    I would not completely agree here with patching process, if you are upgrading to u11, /etc/release should get updated to u11 as well, why would base remain as u8 ?

    I would suggest to possibly use a live upgrade environment to test the u8 -u11 upgrade with 6.1



  • BCAM,

    Please check the inline comments.

    Does this mean a Sol 10 U9 BASE build or a kernel patch that serves u9 and higher?

    Answer: Yes. 6.1 is supported ONLY   Solaris 10 Update 9, 10, and 11  version on SPARC platform.



    Ramesh Pareet

    Principal Technical Support Engineer


  • Can you please give more clarity on how customer is upgrading his OS from sol10u8 to u11 ? Typically when you do a OS patch upgrade /etc/release reflects the upgraded release version.