How to stop Windows mounting read-only VVR volumes
If you kill a server and VVR does a takeover on another node, then when the node comes back, Windows assigns drive letters to the now read-only volumes when the diskgroup is imported. This means in VCS, after the VVR SG is onlined (and hence diskgroup imported), after a few minutes when the offline monitor runs for the MountV resources it detects these are online and you get a partially online application service group. You can't then fail back to that node until you manually offline the application service group. If there a formal way to stop this or technotes explaining this issue?
This is what I believe is happening:
When you online a MountV resource in VCS, when the drive letters gets assigned to a volume, this gets written to registry in \HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices, so you will see something like:
This registy keys are there for all drives including the C:, so this includes partitions as well as volumes and these keys are present on XP clients too.
When you offline MountV resource, this registry entry is removed.
This makes sense so that with a server without VCS, if you reboot a server, then when the server returns the volume or partition receives the same drive letter that it had before.
With shared diskgroup failover, when a faulted node returns, the diskgroup is not imported as it is now imported on the failover node, so this does not cause a problem, it is only with VVR where diskgroup is imported on Seconday (or acting Secondary) as well as primary.
I wrote a quick postonline trigger for the VVR group to get offline Mounts when VVR is a secondary, but I figured there must be an official work-a-round or technote describing this issue.
Note, I see this more as a SFW problem rather than a VVR issue as this is not an issue for VVR on UNIX which is why I have started this forum under SFW rather than VVR.
Hi Mike,
You are correct, the automount only applies to new volumes to the server. In your case, the drive is being returned to the last known mount location of the volume. This is standard for operation of MountManger (OS item) to return the volume to the drive letter or mount point that it was at when the disk group was last deported.
In the situation that you describe, you will need to take corrective action to resync VVR back to the original Primary site. VVR during a takeover operation (by default) switches the original primary to a primary acting as secondary and replication does not happen until administrative intervention is performed. If manual intervention is already needed to correct VVR is it that much trouble to manually offline the MountV resource on the original primary site? (I'm just trying to see how much of a pain point this is. I'm not trying to dictate procedures or process to you or your customer. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of exactly what the main point of concern is.)
I don't think the trigger is fired in a GCO site concurrency violations. I can check to see if there is a way to get this trigger to be fired in this situation. If this is not a simple configuration change then I might need you to open a support case to have this looked into further. I'll let you konw what I find out shortly.