Forum Discussion

jcc321's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

Storage Foundation Server Crashed

Hello, we are using Storage foundation 3.2.539 on a server 2000 Operating System, which mainly controlled a SAN via Fiber Channel; the SAN consisted of 2 JBOD's with an Embedded RaidWatch Software called RaidWatch.

The server 2000 server in which storage foundation was installed and configured on crashed, we are in the process to attempt to recover but we are in need of access to the SAN.  We installed new drives to install a fresh operating system.

We had the SAN configured with disk groups and within the disk groups we had disks to partitions, the question I have is that since Storage foundation was the software used to configure the SAN storage to a disk/partition level.

If we install the same storage foundation software and attempt to hook the SAN back up, will we loose the SAN? if not what are the steps to take.I ask this because I'm not sure where the actual data is held on which the SAN was configured on the server side or JBOD side. The Raidwatch is showing all the drives but no partitions, is there any way to recover from such a disaster?

 Thank you,

John C

  • I believe the version number you mentioned is the VEA gui version and not the server component version. (So it's hard to tell which version you have)
    fyi - on Windows 2000, you can have Volume Manager 3.1 , SFW 4.x or SFW 5.0. (Only the latest version SFW 5.1 does not work on Windows 2000)

    As John stated, as long as you install the version you had or newer, it will be able to read the diskgroup configuration on those previous harddisks.
    As long as the actual data on the harddisks are corrupt, SFW will allow you to re-import the diskgroups you had for those disks and re-mount the volumes.
    (If you reinstalled Windows and this isn't a cluster, then you may need to select the "clear host id" option during the import as the host id would have changed after rebuild)

  • Hi John,

    Once you rebuild your server and get all drivers up to date for your server, Reisntall the same version of SFW. The versio is most likely SFW 4.x and I would install SFW 4.3 MP2 and the key you have will work with that version.

    The data on your SAN disks should be ok. Once SFW is reinstalled all your diskgrops and volumes will come back, you might have to reassign the drive letters or mount points.

    Here are the links to the HCL and SCL:

    Here is the link to SFW 4.3 32 bit with MP2:

    Here is the link to the main support page for SFW:

    If you are really concerned about this, I would recommend opening up a support case and let a support engineer help you.


  • I believe the version number you mentioned is the VEA gui version and not the server component version. (So it's hard to tell which version you have)
    fyi - on Windows 2000, you can have Volume Manager 3.1 , SFW 4.x or SFW 5.0. (Only the latest version SFW 5.1 does not work on Windows 2000)

    As John stated, as long as you install the version you had or newer, it will be able to read the diskgroup configuration on those previous harddisks.
    As long as the actual data on the harddisks are corrupt, SFW will allow you to re-import the diskgroups you had for those disks and re-mount the volumes.
    (If you reinstalled Windows and this isn't a cluster, then you may need to select the "clear host id" option during the import as the host id would have changed after rebuild)

  • Just wanted to post back on the results,

    Thank you John and Jay for the write ups,
    Jay nailed it, we attached the SAN  to the server, and Storage Foundation found the drives and Groups,
    we rescanned twice but it needed as you stated the "Clear host  id", once we did that all fell into place

    Again thank you for your time in assisting us.
