Forum Discussion

Sajid_Siddiqui's avatar
13 years ago

Storage Foundation Switchover From Active to Passive



We have Storage Foundation SP1. I have a 2 node cluster at primary and one cluster at DR site without GCO. Now i need to install Storage Foundation SP2. For this i need to install SP2 on Active node and as per symantec recommendation we should switchover the services of the application to Passive.

I am a new user of SF can anybody tell me what is the procedure of Switchover and prerequisties so then i safely swithover the services to the passive.



  • You need to use cluster commands/utilities to switch Cluster Service Group.

    Is this Windows Cluster or Veritas Cluster?

    Which OS? Which SF version with SP1? 5.1 perhaps?

    Are you reading SFW Installation Guide?

    Find appropriate documentaion here:

    For example under the heading: Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability, find your SF version under the Windows column. For example, SF 5.1 SP2 product guides:

    Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 5.1 SP2 Installation and Upgrade Guide :


  • I would recomend the following:

    1. Install SP2 on inactive node
    2. Switch services to passive node.  So for each service group (which you can see in left pane of VCS GUI, or you can get list by running "hagrp -list") you can switch via command line:
      hagrp -switch -to name_of_passive_node

      or from the GUI right click on service group and choose switch and then select passive system
    3. I would then run service on this node (that was originally passive) for at least 24 hours to make sure SP2 has not caused any issues (occasionally a patch will introduce a new issue)
    4. Install SP2 on node that was active (prior to step 1) and is now not running any services
    5. Optionally switch services back to original node, but really both nodes should be equally be able to run the service so you should be able to leave it on the original passive node indefinately (until server fails and services get failed to other node)
    6. Install SP2 on DR node.

    Note I assume you are using 5.1 in which case when you install SP2, this means install SP2 for both SF and VCS (in previous versions of VCS you could not do this as VCS nodes had to be at the same SP level).
