Tricky Volume Group cration question
We would like to have 2 RDM attached to a VM. Is it possible to keep same volume group name ? The reason why I'm asking is that. SAN team will do the frame base copy time to time from RDM1 to RDM2 so I can't have different volume group name, metadata (Private region) will be overwritten when SAN team do the copy. For the project purpose some times I need to mount RDM1 or RDM2 using VBS. Is it possible to do?
Hello All,
I’m with the Windows support team. It is not possible to present the original & cloned disk group at the same time. When you do a rescan in VEA you will end up with an Unkowndg. This is due to Storage Foundation seeing the same disk group (private region) configuration twice. If the two disk groups were presented to two separate nodes this would be perfectly fine. The windows version does not use the clone_disk flag etc… as the Unix.
If you have the flashsnap feature you can achieve the same goal. With flashsnap you can mirror the volumes and split the disk group on the same node. Let me know if you have any questions. I will watch the thread and respond again if need be.