Hi Dear Wally
Attached you will find the main.cf file being requested. Before I was using a different service relationship within the service group, later I changed to a new one and the problem with the service apparently was solved. However you can take a look of the file I am attaching here.
include "types.cf"
cluster Cluster1 (
UserNames = { admin = HIJbIDiFJeJJhRJdIG }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { admin }
remotecluster Cluster2 (
ClusterAddress = ""
heartbeat Icmp (
ClusterList = { Cluster2 }
Arguments @Cluster2 = { "" }
system OTNMLPZ (
group ClusterService (
SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }
IP csg_ip (
Address = ""
SubNetMask = ""
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = "90:B1:1C:59:03:40"
NIC csg_nic (
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = "90:B1:1C:59:03:40"
Process wac (
StartProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wac.exe\""
StopProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacstop.exe\""
MonitorProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacmonitor.exe\""
csg_ip requires csg_nic
wac requires csg_ip
// resource dependency tree
// group ClusterService
// {
// Process wac
// {
// IP csg_ip
// {
// NIC csg_nic
// }
// }
// }
group FHEmsService (
SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
ClusterList = { Cluster2 = 1, Cluster1 = 0 }
Authority = 1
AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }
ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto
GenericService mysql-res (
ServiceName = MySQL
GenericService AuthUserRight (
ServiceName = AuthUserRight
GenericService DataBusServer (
ServiceName = DataBusServer
GenericService DispServer (
ServiceName = DispServer
GenericService DtServer (
ServiceName = "DtServer Service"
GenericService Manager2 (
ServiceName = Manager2
GenericService OtnmCfgServer (
ServiceName = OtnmCfgServer
GenericService QueryService (
ServiceName = QueryService
IP tcpip-res (
Address = ""
SubNetMask = ""
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-40
IP devip-res (
Address = ""
SubNetMask = ""
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-42
MountV MountV-res (
MountPath = "S:"
VolumeName = dbdg-data
VMDGResName = VvrRvg-VMDg
NIC tcpnic-res (
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-40
NIC devnic-res (
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-42
RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res (
RvgResourceName = VvrRvg-res
mysql-res requires MountV-res
tcpip-res requires tcpnic-res
devip-res requires devnic-res
MountV-res requires RVGPrimary-res
RVGPrimary-res requires tcpip-res
RVGPrimary-res requires devip-res
AuthUserRight requires mysql-res
DataBusServer requires mysql-res
DispServer requires mysql-res
DtServer requires mysql-res
Manager2 requires mysql-res
OtnmCfgServer requires mysql-res
QueryService requires mysql-res
// resource dependency tree
// group FHEmsService
// {
// GenericService AuthUserRight
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService DataBusServer
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService DispServer
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService DtServer
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService Manager2
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService OtnmCfgServer
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// GenericService QueryService
// {
// GenericService mysql-res
// {
// MountV MountV-res
// {
// RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
// {
// IP tcpip-res
// {
// NIC tcpnic-res
// }
// IP devip-res
// {
// NIC devnic-res
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
group Replication (
SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }
ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto
IP ip-res (
Address = ""
SubNetMask = ""
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-41
NIC nic-res (
MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-41
VMDg VvrRvg-VMDg (
DiskGroupName = dbdg
VvrRvg VvrRvg-res (
RVG = dbdg-rvg
VMDgResName = VvrRvg-VMDg
IPResName = 1
ip-res requires nic-res
VvrRvg-res requires VvrRvg-VMDg
VvrRvg-res requires ip-res
// resource dependency tree
// group Replication
// {
// VvrRvg VvrRvg-res
// {
// VMDg VvrRvg-VMDg
// IP ip-res
// {
// NIC nic-res
// }
// }
// }