Forum Discussion

macias_marlon's avatar
10 years ago

Unable to offline resourcce

Hi everyone,

I'm facing a problem when I try to take offline a Service Group, the issue is that one of the services of the service group, cannot go offline and it enters into the following state "Unable to offline|Status Unknow", and if I wanna this service to go offline I help killing it with the windows task manager. Attached you will find a picture with the description of the trouble, any suggestions or cues how to solve this issue I kindly appreciate it!

Thank you


  • Hi Marlon,

    That value should be Global.

    Global values are values that are the same for all nodes. 

    Local or Per System values are values that are unique from node to node.

    For the VvrRvg resource the IPResName attribute should be global since it points to the name of an IP resource and resource names are the same for all nodes of the cluster.

    Thank you,


  • Dear Wally!

    I followed your advice doing the modification you recommended me! but I have a question about if this resource should be Global or Per system, what is the difference between them?

    I kindly appreciate your help!



  • Hi Marlon,

    Good to hear that the issue is now resolved. 

    I just wanted point out something that I spotted in your that is incorrect.  The VvrRvg-res resource attribute IPResName should be set to "ip-res" in your configuration instead of "1".  This resource will go to the resource named in the IPResName attribute (in your configuration it is ip-res) to get the configured ip address that should be used for replication.

    Thank you,


  • The fact that changing the service group dependencies/relation says that Wally was spot-on with his gut-feel:

    If this is a GenericService resource, you might try starting the resource outside of the cluster (with the cluster services stopped.) Then try to do a "net stop <service>" name to see if it has problems stopping.  This should give you an idea if the service is able to stop Ok or not on its own.

  • Hi Dear Wally

    Attached you will find the file being requested. Before I was using a different service relationship within the service group, later I changed to a new one and the problem with the service apparently was solved. However you can take a look of the file I am attaching here.


    include ""

    cluster Cluster1 (
     UserNames = { admin = HIJbIDiFJeJJhRJdIG }
     ClusterAddress = ""
     Administrators = { admin }

    remotecluster Cluster2 (
     ClusterAddress = ""

    heartbeat Icmp (
     ClusterList = { Cluster2 }
     Arguments @Cluster2 = { "" }

    system OTNMLPZ (

    group ClusterService (
     SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
     AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }

     IP csg_ip (
      Address = ""
      SubNetMask = ""
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = "90:B1:1C:59:03:40"

     NIC csg_nic (
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = "90:B1:1C:59:03:40"

     Process wac (
      StartProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wac.exe\""
      StopProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacstop.exe\""
      MonitorProgram @OTNMLPZ = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacmonitor.exe\""

     csg_ip requires csg_nic
     wac requires csg_ip

     // resource dependency tree
     // group ClusterService
     // {
     // Process wac
     //     {
     //     IP csg_ip
     //         {
     //         NIC csg_nic
     //         }
     //     }
     // }

    group FHEmsService (
     SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
     ClusterList = { Cluster2 = 1, Cluster1 = 0 }
     Authority = 1
     AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }
     ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto

     GenericService mysql-res (
      ServiceName = MySQL

     GenericService AuthUserRight (
      ServiceName = AuthUserRight

     GenericService DataBusServer (
      ServiceName = DataBusServer

     GenericService DispServer (
      ServiceName = DispServer

     GenericService DtServer (
      ServiceName = "DtServer Service"

     GenericService Manager2 (
      ServiceName = Manager2

     GenericService OtnmCfgServer (
      ServiceName = OtnmCfgServer

     GenericService QueryService (
      ServiceName = QueryService

     IP tcpip-res (
      Address = ""
      SubNetMask = ""
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-40

     IP devip-res (
      Address = ""
      SubNetMask = ""
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-42

     MountV MountV-res (
      MountPath = "S:"
      VolumeName = dbdg-data
      VMDGResName = VvrRvg-VMDg

     NIC tcpnic-res (
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-40

     NIC devnic-res (
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-42

     RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res (
      RvgResourceName = VvrRvg-res

     mysql-res requires MountV-res
     tcpip-res requires tcpnic-res
     devip-res requires devnic-res
     MountV-res requires RVGPrimary-res
     RVGPrimary-res requires tcpip-res
     RVGPrimary-res requires devip-res
     AuthUserRight requires mysql-res
     DataBusServer requires mysql-res
     DispServer requires mysql-res
     DtServer requires mysql-res
     Manager2 requires mysql-res
     OtnmCfgServer requires mysql-res
     QueryService requires mysql-res

     // resource dependency tree
     // group FHEmsService
     // {
     // GenericService AuthUserRight
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService DataBusServer
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService DispServer
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService DtServer
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService Manager2
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService OtnmCfgServer
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // GenericService QueryService
     //     {
     //     GenericService mysql-res
     //         {
     //         MountV MountV-res
     //             {
     //             RVGPrimary RVGPrimary-res
     //                 {
     //                 IP tcpip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC tcpnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 IP devip-res
     //                     {
     //                     NIC devnic-res
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //     }
     // }

    group Replication (
     SystemList = { OTNMLPZ = 0 }
     AutoStartList = { OTNMLPZ }
     ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto

     IP ip-res (
      Address = ""
      SubNetMask = ""
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-41

     NIC nic-res (
      MACAddress @OTNMLPZ = 90-B1-1C-59-03-41

     VMDg VvrRvg-VMDg (
      DiskGroupName = dbdg

     VvrRvg VvrRvg-res (
      RVG = dbdg-rvg
      VMDgResName = VvrRvg-VMDg
      IPResName = 1

     ip-res requires nic-res
     VvrRvg-res requires VvrRvg-VMDg
     VvrRvg-res requires ip-res

     // resource dependency tree
     // group Replication
     // {
     // VvrRvg VvrRvg-res
     //     {
     //     VMDg VvrRvg-VMDg
     //     IP ip-res
     //         {
     //         NIC nic-res
     //         }
     //     }
     // }


  • Hi Marlon,

    From the screenshot it is hard to say what type of resource Manager2 is.  Can you please share the configuration snipet for this resource with us?

    If this is a GenericService resource, you might try starting the resource outside of the cluster (with the cluster services stopped.) Then try to do a "net stop <service>" name to see if it has problems stopping.  This should give you an idea if the service is able to stop Ok or not on its own.

    Thank you,
