Forum Discussion

fic123's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

VM backup failing after installing SF Basic on Hyper-V Core server

Hi all,

We have Hyper-V server with 10 virtual machines. We are using NetBackup as backup software. Before installing SF Basic 6.0 , backup of all VM's was going fine. Now the backup of all VM's that are in running state is failing with error: Snapshot error encountered (156). Backup of VM's that are not running is going fine.

I've installed SF Basic on a second Hyper-V server and I got the same situation. After that I've uninstalled SF Basic from this server and all backups are working fine.

In the VEA console I can see the snapshots for the VM volumes created and after 2 minutes they are deleted. (screenshot in attacment)

This is the error in the bpfis log from the NetBackup client:

10:58:01.940 [996.2672] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - snapshot services: vss:Thu May 10 2012 10:58:01.940000 <Thread id - 2672> VSS API ERROR:- API [QueryStatus]  status = 42309 [VSS_S_ASYNC_PENDING]
10:58:31.332 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
10:59:32.174 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:00:33.017 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:01:33.860 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:02:34.702 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:03:35.544 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:04:36.385 [996.5336] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - snapshot services: vss:Thu May 10 2012 11:05:17.632000 <Thread id - 4896> VssNode::getSelectedWriterStatus:  GetWriterStatus FAILED for Selected writer [Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer], writer is in state [5] [VSS_WS_WAITING_FOR_BACKUP_COMPLETE]. hrWriterFailure [800423f4] [-2147212300]
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - snapshot services: vss:Thu May 10 2012 11:05:17.632000 <Thread id - 4896> VssNode::make getSelectedWriterStatus FAILED
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - vfm_freeze_commit: vfm_method_errno=[38]
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <32> onlfi_fim_split: FTL - VfMS error 11; see following messages:
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <32> onlfi_fim_split: FTL - Fatal method error was reported
11:05:17.632 [996.4896] <32> onlfi_fim_split: FTL - vfm_freeze_commit: method: Hyper-V, type: FIM, function: Hyper-V_make

Does someone know what could be the problem? Are there any debug logs in Storage Foundation to help me with this problem and where can I enable/find them?

  • thanks for moving to the correct forum.

    I've openned case with support but if anyone has any suggestion or opinion on the matter it would help.

  • Hi,

    In the Storage and Clustering Forums, you will see that there are two Storage Foundation categories.... "Storage Foundation", and "Storage Foundation for Windows".  The best place for your question with Hyper-V is in the "Storage Foundation for Windows" category, as this category is really intended for UNIX and Linux operating systems.
