Forum Discussion

Phani_K's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Boot Problems

Hi Techs,

I am having problems to boot the server. I am getting the following messages and went to maintenance mode. Don't know how to fix the qlogck problem. any steps or any documents are helpful.

/sbin/rcS: /etc/dfs/sharetab: cannot create
failed to open /etc/coreadm.confsyseventd: Unable to open daemon lock file '/etc/sysevent/syseventd_lock': 'Read-only file system'mount: mount-point /var/run does not exist.
NOTICE: VxVM not started
UX:vxfs qlogrec: ERROR: Cannot open file /etc/qlog/config.lock
UX:vxfs qlogrec: ERROR: Problem writing file /etc/qlog/config.lock: Bad file number
UX:vxfs qlogck: ERROR: Cannot open file /etc/qlog/config.lock
UX:vxfs qlogck: ERROR: Problem writing file /etc/qlog/config.lock: Bad file number
UX:vxfs qlogck: TO FIX: Command qlogck was not successful
UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: Fix whatever problem was encountered and rerun
UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: the command qlogck

UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: Running the command qlogck with the -f option
UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: will fix most of the problem(s) but will force
UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: a full consistency check (full fsck)
UX:vxfs qlogck: WARNING: on the VxFS volume(s) which cannot be fixed.

The QuickLog routine 'qlogck' encountered the errors mentioned above. It is
recommended that you enter the maintenance shell and attempt to correct
these problems. Once all possible corrections have been made, enter
Control-d to exit the maintenance shell, and initialization will resume.
See qlogck(1M) for assistance.

Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console.
Entering System Maintenance Mode

  • I've fixed the problem. the entries in the vfstab file is wrong for the mirror disk. i've modified the /var-ufsrestore to /var and booted up.. the system came up.

  • First thing I am concerned of this:

    'Read-only file system'mount: mount-point /var/run does not exist.


    Have you checked this if /etc/  or /var/  or / is mounted read only ?  what about /var/run  does it exists or missing ?



  • Hi Gaurav,

    /, /var are not mounted. I've remounted them and /var/run is swap file. Here is my sample vfstab file. c1t3d0 is my mirror disk and c0t4d0 is my root disk. I've dumped the entire OS to mirror disk using ufsrestore and mounted it as /root-ufsrestore and /var-ufsrestore and the same entries i've given in /etc/vfstab file. but while booting up with mirror disk, am getting the above qlogck messages.

    #/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s1      -       -       swap    -       no      -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1       -       -       swap    -       no      -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0       /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s0      /       ufs     1       no      logging
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s6       /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s6      /var-ufsrestore         ufs     1       no      logging
    #/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0      /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s0      /       ufs     1       no      logging
    #/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s6      /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s6      /var    ufs     1       no      logging

  • I've fixed the problem. the entries in the vfstab file is wrong for the mirror disk. i've modified the /var-ufsrestore to /var and booted up.. the system came up.

  • Hi,

    the boot problems have cleared now. I've facing a mount issue now. I encapsulated the disk and booted the server has came up without issues. but when i rund df -k i see the mount points as below.

    /dev/vx/dsk/rootvol  8258597 3910207 4265805    48%    /
    /proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
    fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
    mnttab                     0       0       0     0%    /etc/mnttab
    /dev/vx/dsk/var      4129290 1010595 3077403    25%    /var
    swap                   10240      40   10200     1%    /var/run
    swap                 14131720     808 14130912     1%    /tmp

    Both /, /var are showing as volume file systems. but they are not part of rootdg diskgroup. Actually the entries should be "/dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/rootvol & /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/var" but they mounted as /dev/vx/dsk/rootvol & /dev/vx/dsk/var".. Is it OK or they need changes.?  if changes are required, how to do that? any technote will be helpful.



  • Hello Phani,

    thats strange ...

    can u paste below outputs:

    # vxdisk -o alldgs list

    # vxdisk -e list

    # vxdg list

    # vxprint -qthg bootdg



  • Hi Gaurav,

    root@mhs-dom9-qa:/> vxprint -htqg rootdg
    dg rootdg       default      default  0        1084581195.1025.mhs-dom9-ra

    dm rootdisk     c1t3d0s2     sliced   2888     71124291 -
    dm rootmirror   c0t4d0s2     sliced   2888     71124291 -

    v  rootvol      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   16779312 ROUND     -        root
    pl rootvol-01   rootvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   16779312 CONCAT    -        RW
    sd disk01-B0    rootvol-01   rootdisk 71124290 1        0         c1t3d0   ENA
    sd disk01-02    rootvol-01   rootdisk 0        16779311 1         c1t3d0   ENA
    pl rootvol-02   rootvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   16779312 CONCAT    -        RW
    sd rootmirror-01 rootvol-02  rootmirror 0      16779312 0         c0t4d0   ENA

    v  swapvol      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  ROUND     -        swap
    pl swapvol-01   swapvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  CONCAT    -        RW
    sd disk01-01    swapvol-01   rootdisk 25168967 8389656  0         c1t3d0   ENA
    pl swapvol-02   swapvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  CONCAT    -        RW
    sd rootmirror-02 swapvol-02  rootmirror 16779312 8389656 0        c0t4d0   ENA

    v  var          -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  ROUND     -        fsgen
    pl var-01       var          ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  CONCAT    -        RW
    sd disk01-03    var-01       rootdisk 16779311 8389656  0         c1t3d0   ENA
    pl var-02       var          ENABLED  ACTIVE   8389656  CONCAT    -        RW
    sd rootmirror-03 var-02      rootmirror 25168968 8389656 0        c0t4d0   ENA

    root@mhs-dom9-qa:/> vxdisk -o alldgs list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    c0t0d0s2     sliced    -            -            online
    c0t4d0s2     sliced    rootmirror   rootdg       online
    c1t3d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online
    c2t0d16s2    sliced    DG1_opa02    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t0d17s2    sliced    DG1_opa03    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t0d18s2    sliced    DG1_opa04    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t0d19s2    sliced    DG1_opa01    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d25s2    sliced    DG1_opa05    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d26s2    sliced    DG1_opa08    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d27s2    sliced    DG1_opa09    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d28s2    sliced    DG1_opa10    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d29s2    sliced    DG1_opa11    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d30s2    sliced    DG1_opa12    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d31s2    sliced    DG1_opa13    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d32s2    sliced    DG1_opa14    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d33s2    sliced    DG1_opa15    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d34s2    sliced    DG1_opa06    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse
    c2t1d35s2    sliced    DG1_opa07    DG1_opa-db1-s online nohotuse

    root@mhs-dom9-qa:/> vxdisk -e list
    DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS       c#t#d#_NAME
    c0t0d0s2     sliced    -            -            online       c0t0d0s2
    c0t4d0s2     sliced    rootmirror   rootdg       online       c0t4d0s2
    c1t3d0s2     sliced    rootdisk     rootdg       online       c1t3d0s2
    c2t0d16s2    sliced    DG1_opa02    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t0d16s2
    c2t0d17s2    sliced    DG1_opa03    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t0d17s2
    c2t0d18s2    sliced    DG1_opa04    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t0d18s2
    c2t0d19s2    sliced    DG1_opa01    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t0d19s2
    c2t1d25s2    sliced    DG1_opa05    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d25s2
    c2t1d26s2    sliced    DG1_opa08    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d26s2
    c2t1d27s2    sliced    DG1_opa09    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d27s2
    c2t1d28s2    sliced    DG1_opa10    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d28s2
    c2t1d29s2    sliced    DG1_opa11    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d29s2
    c2t1d30s2    sliced    DG1_opa12    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d30s2
    c2t1d31s2    sliced    DG1_opa13    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d31s2
    c2t1d32s2    sliced    DG1_opa14    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d32s2
    c2t1d33s2    sliced    DG1_opa15    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d33s2
    c2t1d34s2    sliced    DG1_opa06    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d34s2
    c2t1d35s2    sliced    DG1_opa07    DG1_opa-db1-s online       c2t1d35s2

    root@mhs-dom9-qa:/> vxdg list
    NAME         STATE           ID
    rootdg       enabled  1084581195.1025.mhs-dom9-ra
    DG1_opa-db1-s enabled  1098396895.1806.mhs-dom9-ra

  • You never mentioned your VxVM version?

    The device name is normal for versions up to 3.5.

    Upgrade to version 4.x converts the /dev/vx/dsk/* entries in /etc/vfstab to /dev/vx/dsk/bootdg/*

  • Hi,

    Here is the version details.

    root@mhs-dom9-qa:/> modinfo |grep -i vx
     19 1020974c 119288 272   1  vxio (VxVM 3.5s_p2.8_pp1.1 I/O driver)
     22 1030dfa5  1b364 271   1  vxdmp (VxVM 3.5s_p2.8_pp1.1 DMP Driver)
     23 10326da9    80f 273   1  vxspec (VxVM 3.5s_p2.8 control/status)
    123 782f3663    a3b 276   1  vxportal (VxFS 3.5_REV-MP2d portal driver)
    124 78516000 10b99d  16   1  vxfs (VxFS 3.5_REV-MP2d,PID=113206-10)