Forum Discussion

Faisal_Saleem's avatar
11 years ago

Collection from VRTSexplorer

Dear All

I have some enviornments of SFHA and VCS installed on Linux and Solaris servers.

I have output of VRTSexplorer logs for every system. As the VRTSexplorer contains almost everything collected, I wanted to know if is it possible to get the following output of these requirements

1. Which license and version and sub-version is installed on system? like for example if version 5.0 is installed which patch version is installed ?

I want something except "vxlicrep"

2. If in the case of Replication, which file will give output of Bandwidth limit if it is configured.

3. If in the case of Replication, which file will give output of packet size if it is configured.

Any suggession will be appreciated. Assume I just have VRTSexplorer and investigating logs and need to know the following.


  • Hi Faisal,

    1. Which license and version and sub-version is installed on system? like for example if version 5.0 is installed which patch version is installed ?

    I want something except "vxlicrep"

    >>> For licensing, "vxlicrep -e" output gives you details of license & features installed. Patch version information will not be in vxlicrep output. For patch info of veritas products, you need to refer pkginfo_l output

    2. If in the case of Replication, which file will give output of Bandwidth limit if it is configured.

    >>> vradmin_repstatus command should tell you bandwidth allocated .. for e.g

    vradmin -g hrdg -l repstatus hr_rvg

    Displaying configuration information 209
    Displaying information about Secondaries
    VxVM VVR vradmin INFO V-5-52-1205 Primary is unreachable or RDS has configuration
    error. Displayed status information is from Secondary and can be out-of-date.
    Replicated Data Set: hr_rvg
    Host name: seattle <unreachable>
    RVG name: hr_rvg
    DG name: hrdg
    RVG state: enabled for I/O
    Data volumes: 4
    Vsets: 1
    SRL name: hr_srl
    SRL size: 4.00 GB
    Total secondaries: 1
    Host name: london
    RVG name: hr_rvg
    DG name: hrdg
    Rlink from Primary: rlk_london_hr_rvg
    Rlink to Primary: rlk_seattle_hr_rvg
    Configured mode: asynchronous
    Latency protection: off
    SRL protection: autodcm
    Data status: consistent, up-to-date
    Replication status: replicating (connected)
    Current mode: asynchronous
    Logging to: SRL (0 updates behind, last update ID 18533.0)
    Timestamp Information: behind by 00:00:00 hours
    Bandwidth Limit: 30.00 Mbps
    Compression Mode: Off
    Last Update on Primary: Oct 10 04:32:21
    Secondary up-to-date as of: Oct 10 04:32:21

    3. If in the case of Replication, which file will give output of packet size if it is configured.

    >>> vxprint -g <diskgroup> -Pl  should have the packet size, look for similar output in vvr directory of explorer.



  • Dear Gaurav

    Thanks for your output, but your response reflect working with the system live.

    I want to grep my queries from VRTSexplorer logs, currently I do not have access to live systems.

    Is there any possibility to grep from VRTSexplorer logs?


  • Hi Faisal,

    For point 1 & 2 above, output would be available in VRTSexplorer however I doubt about point 3. For point 2 above, have a look in VVR folder & you should have the output.



  • In the root directory of explorer there are pkginfo files for Solaris and rpm files for Linux - I would suggest checking VRTSvxvm package for SF version and VRTSvcs for VCS version, which should be, but do not have to be, at the same version.  

    For licence information look at vxlicrep_e file in the license directory

    For VVR rlink info look at vxprint_Pl file in the vxvm directory:



    # awk '$1 == "Name" {pkg=$3} (pkg == "VRTSvxvm" || pkg == "VRTSvcs") && $1 == "Version" {print pkg, $3}' rpm_aqi
    # grep "Product Name" license/vxlicrep_e 
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Cluster Server
       Product Name                        = VERITAS File System
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Storage Foundation for Cluster File System
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Volume Manager
       Product Name                        = VERITAS File System
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Database Edition for Oracle
       Product Name                        = VERITAS SANPoint Control
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Volume Manager
       Product Name                        = VERITAS File System
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Volume Manager
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Volume Manager
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Volume Manager
       Product Name                        = VERITAS Storage Foundation Enterprise HA
    # grep "^Rlink|bandwidth_limit|packet_size" vxvm/vxprint_Pl                 
    Rlink:    to_prod
    info:     timeout=500 packet_size=8400 rid=0.1119
              bandwidth_limit=none checksum=on
    Rlink:    rlink2
    info:     timeout=500 packet_size=8400 rid=0.2382
              bandwidth_limit=none checksum=on
    Rlink:    to_site2
    info:     timeout=500 packet_size=8400 rid=0.2036
              bandwidth_limit=none checksum=on

