Forum Discussion
- cowboycraigLevel 4
Also I am able to boot from either, have devalias's in place. So that is already good to go.
Craig - springerLevel 4There is a few ways
1. vxplex detach all the mirror plex's .. do upgrade if all goes good re-attach and they will start syncing otherwise if stuff goes to crap
option 1 boot of cd unencpaulate the mirror disks manually aka boot of slcies and when ur up and all ok ... re-encap mirror disks and then re-init old rootdisk and mirror back..
option 2 u could play with vxplex det rootplex and re-add old detached mirror plexes but that ur choice
rich - cowboycraigLevel 4
I will work with that.
Also was thinking I could pull out my rootmirror, then upgrade.
If all goes well stick it back in.
If all goes bad, reboot and pull out rootdisk, and put in rootmirror.
After booted but rootdisk back in. Just need to make sure mirroring does not start.
Testing that. Could always wipe the drive first.
Craig - springerLevel 4True that will work but u may have to make sure volumes enabled etc as hwen u pull drive that plex with be disbaled
- cowboycraigLevel 4I tried the pulling the rootmirror method some in testing.
Don't like it. Too many issues when you put the disk back.
Had to reboot to get it working again.
Better the break the mirror.
Figuring the commands out now. I want to be able to boot from the rootmirror if all goes wrong.
Is there a command or commands to "just stop mirroring a mirror" ? without unconfiging it?
Craig - cowboycraigLevel 4
How to backout using rootdisk & rootmirror notes.
Not sure (still working out) how to mirror back from rootmirror if upgrade goes wrong.
#vxdisk -o alldgs list
c1t0d0s2 auto:sliced rootdisk rootdg online
c1t1d0s2 auto:sliced rootmirror rootdg online
#vxprint -ht
v rootvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 30222768 ROUND - root
pl rootvol-01 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 30224160 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-01 rootvol-01 rootdisk 0 30224160 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl rootvol-02 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 30224160 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-03 rootvol-02 rootmirror 5137920 30224160 0 c1t1d0 ENA
v swapvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 1041352 ROUND - swap
pl swapvol-01 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 1042560 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-02 swapvol-01 rootdisk 30224160 1042560 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl swapvol-02 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 1042560 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-01 swapvol-02 rootmirror 0 1042560 0 c1t1d0 ENA
v var - ENABLED ACTIVE 4094728 ROUND - fsgen
pl var-01 var ENABLED ACTIVE 4095360 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-03 var-01 rootdisk 31266720 4095360 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl var-02 var ENABLED ACTIVE 4095360 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-02 var-02 rootmirror 1042560 4095360 0 c1t1d0 ENA
vxplex det
Detach each of the named plexes. Detaching a plex leaves the plex associated with its volume, but prevents normal volume I/O from being directed to the plex. This operation can be applied to plexes that are enabled or disabled. The rules for performing the detach depend upon the usage types of the volumes involved. The operation does not apply to dissociated plexes.
# Disassociate plexes on rootmirror
vxplex -g rootdg det rootvol-02 swapvol-02 var-02
vxprint -ht
v rootvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 30222768 ROUND - root
pl rootvol-01 rootvol ENABLED ACTIVE 30224160 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-01 rootvol-01 rootdisk 0 30224160 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl rootvol-02 rootvol DETACHED STALE 30224160 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-03 rootvol-02 rootmirror 5137920 30224160 0 c1t1d0 ENA
v swapvol - ENABLED ACTIVE 1041352 ROUND - swap
pl swapvol-01 swapvol ENABLED ACTIVE 1042560 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-02 swapvol-01 rootdisk 30224160 1042560 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl swapvol-02 swapvol DETACHED STALE 1042560 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-01 swapvol-02 rootmirror 0 1042560 0 c1t1d0 ENA
v var - ENABLED ACTIVE 4094728 ROUND - fsgen
pl var-01 var ENABLED ACTIVE 4095360 CONCAT - RW
sd rootdisk-03 var-01 rootdisk 31266720 4095360 0 c1t0d0 ENA
pl var-02 var DETACHED STALE 4095360 CONCAT - RW
sd rootmirror-02 var-02 rootmirror 1042560 4095360 0 c1t1d0 ENA
*Note: all plexes detached (det) are "DETACHED STALE" Good.
# Do upgrade
If all goes well, re-attach rootmirror plexes
Attach each named plex to the named volume. This can be applied to dissociated plexes, or to non- enabled plexes already associated with the named volume. If the volume is enabled, then the result of the successful operation will be to associate the plex (if needed) and to recover the plex to have the same contents as all other attached plexes in the volume. The rules for performing the attach depend upon the usage type of the named volume.
Attaching a plex is the normal means of recovering a plex after a disk replacement, or after a plex offline.
vxplex -g rootdg att rootvol rootvol-02
vxplex -g rootdg att swapvol swapvol-02
vxplex -g rootdg att var var-02
If all goes not so well, ???
Not sure how to go from this point?
Will rootmirror boot from the OK prompt?
Also how will mirroring take place, if booting from rootmirror? - springerLevel 4Pls make sure when u detach u also disassociate aka vxples dis as if u reboot and u have detach there is a vxrecover script called in rc scripts and it will start syncing so always dis as well
what i would do when det and dis and upgrade goes **bleep** is like i mentioned unecnpulate the mirror disks aka boot of slcies if u dont know how let me know ..
then wen up on mirror of slcies then i would zero out public and priv resgion slcie of both disks aka tag 14 and 15 akia get rid of all trace of rootdg and then re-encpaule the mirror disk and then when that done add rootdisk aka via vxdiskadm and re-mirror
to me this way u cant go wrong !!!!
there is always couple of ways but u cant go wrong here and it will of course put baack devalias and boot block
springer - cowboycraigLevel 4
"Like i mentioned unecnpulate the mirror disks aka boot of slcies if u dont know how let me know .."
I am not sure what you mean, so tell me.
THANKS! for all your help,
Craig - springerLevel 4boot of cdrom
mount rrotdisk to /a for example
vi /a/etc/system
and edit by putiimng a star in from of following* rootdev:/pseudo/vxio:0.0* set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1
also chnage vstab to point to slice aka verify /etc/vstbab.prevm is correct and if so copy back and breoot
the u are booting of slcies with vxvm - cowboycraigLevel 4I am going to try booting from slices. But that seems like a lot of trouble.
Was thinking of just pulling rootdisk, and rebuilding it. That is an easy task.
Then if the upgrade goes wrong reboot and pull rootdisk and rootmirror, and replace earlier created rootdisk.
Then building a new rootmirror is an easy task.
Does anyone see any trouble with this? Yes you have to physically pull the drives and that is an issue in some cases, but other then that?
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