Forum Discussion

msleite's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

failed to create a Veritas dg


I'm creating a DG with 6 LUNs. The LUNs have 1 TB each. The disks are as below:
When you configure a disk error message appears:

emc_clariion0_264 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_265 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_266 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_267 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_268 auto            -            -            nolabel
emc_clariion0_269 auto            -            -            nolabel

root@ # vxdisksetup -i emc_clariion0_264 format=cdsdisk

VxVM vxdisksetup ERROR V-5-2-5241 Cannot label as disk geometry cannot be obtained.
root@ #

root@ # vxdisksetup -i emc_clariion0_265 format=cdsdisk
VxVM vxdisksetup ERROR V-5-2-5241 Cannot label as disk geometry cannot be obtained.
root@ #


root@ # vxdisk list emc_clariion0_264
Device:    emc_clariion0_264
devicetag: emc_clariion0_264
type:      auto
flags:     nolabel private autoconfig
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/emc_clariion0_264 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/emc_clariion0_264
guid:      -
udid:      DGC%5FVRAID%5FCKM00123600618%5F6006016025303100932DF87904C4E411
site:      -
errno:     Device path not valid
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   8
c7t5006016E3EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=secondary
c7t500601673EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=primary
c5t5006016F3EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=secondary
c5t500601663EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=primary
c6t500601663EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=primary
c6t5006016F3EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=secondary
c8t5006016E3EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=secondary
c8t500601673EE00243d228s2       state=enabled   type=primary
root@BMG01 #

Can someone help me solve the problem?
  • If disk is bigger that 1TB,  use 'format -e' with the /dev/vx/rdmp name to set the size of partition 0 to 0tb and partition 2 to entire disk, then label the disk.

  • OK Marianne,
    did the formatting as EFI and the problem was solved, see:


    root@ # vxdisk -e list emc_clariion0_265
    DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
    emc_clariion0_265 auto           -            -           nolabel              c5t5006016F3EE00243d241s2 lun RAID_6
    root@ #
    root@ # format -e c5t5006016F3EE00243d241s2
    selecting c5t5006016F3EE00243d241s2
    [disk formatted]

            disk       - select a disk
            type       - select (define) a disk type
            partition  - select (define) a partition table
            current    - describe the current disk
            format     - format and analyze the disk
            repair     - repair a defective sector
            label      - write label to the disk
            analyze    - surface analysis
            defect     - defect list management
            backup     - search for backup labels
            verify     - read and display labels
            save       - save new disk/partition definitions
            inquiry    - show vendor, product and revision
            scsi       - independent SCSI mode selects
            cache      - enable, disable or query SCSI disk cache
            volname    - set 8-character volume name
            !<cmd>     - execute <cmd>, then return
    format> l
    [0] SMI Label
    [1] EFI Label
    Specify Label type[0]: 1
    Warning: This disk has an SMI label. Changing to EFI label will erase all
    current partitions.
    Continue? y
    format> q
    root@ #
    root@ # vxdctl enable
    root@# vxdisk -e list emc_clariion0_265
    DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
    emc_clariion0_265 auto:none      -            -           online invalid       c5t5006016F3EE00243d241 lun RAID_6
    root@ #
    root@ # vxdisksetup -i emc_clariion0_265 format=cdsdisk
    root@ #
    root@ # vxdisk -e list emc_clariion0_265
    DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
    emc_clariion0_265 auto:cdsdisk   -            -           online               c5t5006016F3EE00243d241 lun RAID_6
    root@ #

    Thanks to you and the others for more help.