grow fs ufs
Hi guru.
I would like to grow a file system UFS managed by VxVM by 5GB
# df -h /opt/sybase/data
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
89G 74G 14G 85% /opt/sybase/data
I want to be sure that the below commands are not dangerous:
for verify the maximum size for my volume:
# vxassist -g datadg maxgrow lv_nms_data
and, after that I can use this commands, probably:
# fsdb -F ufs /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/lv_nms_data
# vxassist -g datadg growby lv_nms_data 5g
# vxprint lv_nms_data
# /usr/lib/fs/ufs/mkfs -M /opt/sybase/data /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/lv_nms_data <value in block>
# growfs -M /opt/sybase/data /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/lv_nms_data
is this procedure correct ?
BR and thank you very much
- You can use vxresize to grow the volume and filesystem in one command. See this TN for VxFS and UFS examples :