Forum Discussion
- frankgfanModerator
The simple answer is this is not going to work and it is not a supported way. Since you said "boot vxvm disk", I assme that the system disk on the original host is encapsulated. When the vxvm was initialized on the original system, some host related info was used in the vxvm configuration. Also the license might be node-locked meaning it cannot be used on other host.
IInstall a fresh vxvm on the new system then import the disk which has the data on the "vxvm boot disk" from the original system on to the new host is recommended and supported way to "migrate" data.
- Home_224Level 6
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your informaton !
But we can't buy extra the license as the version is EOL, we try to consult with Veritas regarding for upgrade the version , but upgrade failed even they remote to assist us with upgrade.
- frankgfanModerator
Did you open a support case with Veritas?
Is the case still open?
If the TSE was not able yo resolve the issue, you should request to have the case escalate to backline.
Remember, even if 4.1.* versions are EOL/EOSL, but upgrade to a supported version is sill supported. If the original case was closed, open a new "upgrade issue" case. There are some work arounds available to resolve the issue, so long as both the hardware and the OS are compatible with VxVM 6.* or later.
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