I have swap volume (swapvol) created in rootdg.
vxassist -g rootdg maxgrow swapvol rootdg02 rootmirror
Volume swapvol can be extended by 48121856 to: 81683456 (39884Mb+1024 sectors)
rootdg02 and rootmirror are disks of rootdg.
The vxassist show that i have space to grow my swapvol, but:
".You cannot grow or shrink any volume associated with an encapsulated root disk. Because these map to a physical underlying partition on the disk and must be contiguous. If you try to grow the system could become unbootable if you need to revert back to booting from slices... "
After that i decide to creat secondary swapvol and add it with "swap -a /path/to/secondary_swapvol".
I suggest two ways to make secondary swap and i need advice to chose one of them
1. As far as i have free space in rootdg then:
vxassist -g rootdg -U swap make swapvol2
2. Make swap in non rootdg
vxassist -g MYDG -U swap make swapvol2
Plase advice me the best way to do secondary swap.
Do i have to use "-U swap" option in each way.