Forum Discussion

Dharmesh_K's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Rootdg not found

Dear All,

I have installed SFv5.0 MP1 with vxfs, vcs, vxvm in solaris 8 sparc server. In that following partition are used by SF.

5   -    wu     0 - 14086              68.35GB     (14087/0/0)   143349312
6   -    wu     14079 - 14086     39.75MB      (8/0/0)                    81408

By mistake, I was deleting the partition 5, and create the new partition. After that it gives disk error by vx. So, I was delete the new partition and reboot the pc.

Now, it gives the run fsck error in partition. I run the fsck in partition gives the error.

While mount the partition, it gives the no “rootdg” found in disk group. I am tried to vxreattach command to attach disk but again it gives no rootdg found.

I have also tried to unencapsulate the root by unroot and manually but it give same error.

How can we restore the parttion with data?

Please reply.
  • hello,

    looks to be little problem....  that partition looks to be the public region of disk....

    You can create same partition with same cylinders but not sure if that can help.... or else try reinitializing disk using "vxdisksetup" with same offset values used before.... (u can get this data from old explorer or CBR output).. this might retrive your VTOC...

  • Thanks.

    There are partition created by Veritas is Tag " - ". While we are creating  partition it will not take tag " - ".

    Additionally, while reinitialize disk using vxdisksetup, our data ramain in the disk or not?

  • Hi ,

    "-" is not a valid tag, Veritas tags would be tag 14 & tag 15.. these tags will be put automatically when you initialize the disk...

    Now when you are re-initializing a disk... if you provide old offset values (which were there prebviously on the disk), you can preserve data..... for e.g

    Lets say below mentioned was my disk which lost partition table.... & from /etc/vx/cbr/bk/rootdg.xxxxxx/xxxxx.diskinfo file, I found following information...

    # vxdisk list c1t50060E801029E2E0d7s2 | egrep 'public:|private:'
    public: slice=2 offset=65792 len=10340608 disk_offset=0
    private: slice=2 offset=256 len=65536 disk_offset=0

    Same information can be found from any old Veritas explorer if you have.... So to reinitialize this disk without loosing the date, I would use following command:

    # vxdisksetup -fi c1t50060E801029E2E0d7 puboffset=65792 publen=10340608 privoffset=256 privlen=65536 format=cdsdisk

    Please note, getting data back is not guaranteed, in case anything else has been written down to public region, data might be lost.... but since its a rootdg I would assume to remiiror it with rootdisk....

    hop this helps


  • check the partition information of the disk in the /etc/vx/reconfig.d/disk.d/<disk>
    the vtoc info should be there before and after encap .
    you could use some "vxedvtoc" command and restore the partition table back..
    Check with a techsupport before doing so.