Forum Discussion

mghomer's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Veritas Enterprise Administrator 3.2

Hi all,

we are using Veritas Enterprise Administrator 3.2 to sync/mirrow two sans. Unfortunately the collegue who has installed it is no more working here.

Now i would like to see witch of both sans is at the moment the actice node but i can't find this point in the software.

Can anybody help me with it?


Thank you all!

  • Sorry for the delay, my email notification does not always send me an email, as in this case.

    Yes you are correct in what you say.


  • With Volume manager mirroring there is no primary from a storage point of view - a node will write to both SANs simultaneously.  If you have 2 nodes that are configured to use storage in a 2-node VCS cluster then VCS controls which node has access to storage (that node will write to both sans).  To see how VCS is configured you need to use VCS Java GUI (or VOM - a centralised management tool, if this has been installed).  If VCS Java GUI is not installed you will need to download java GUI from:

    by clicking on Veritas Cluster Server Java Console, Veritas Cluster Server Simulator, Veritas Enterprise Administrator Console link and choose "VCS Cluster Manager Java Console 6.0 (Windows)"

    or you can use "hastatus -sum" from command line and this will show you which groups are online on which system.

    If you are still unclear how this is set-up, please send output of "vxprint" and "hastatus -sum" (if VCS is installed and if on UNIX then hastatus command is located in /opt/VRTSvcs/bin)


  • Hi Mikebounds,


    cool thanks for the description!

    So that means in my case with a failover windowscluster, if one of the storages will be broken, the windows cluster will not notice that because storage foundation will just work with the other storage. And if the broken stoarge is online again the storage foundation will sync all the data in backround between the storages.

    I thought if one of the storges is broken  the windowscluster will notice that and change the windowsnote. Because every stoarge note is bind to one windoscluster note. But as i understand now that is wrong :-)

    Is that right?

  • Sorry for the delay, my email notification does not always send me an email, as in this case.

    Yes you are correct in what you say.
