Forum Discussion

Dharmesh_K's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Veritas Volume Replicator log issue

Dear All,

We have VVR with 5.0 MP1. Based on VVR working, when the link down or unavailable, rep log is filling by default. 

Now we want to setting that when the link was down or unavailable, repl log should fill as minimum as.

Is it possible? How?

  • Hello Dharmesh,

    No that is not possible, If replication link is unavailable for even a second & primary gets some writes in the mean time, that necessary will go to SRL, you can not delay that process. Thats by design.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hello Dharmesh,

    Just to make things clear, there are 2 type of logs in VVR, SRL log & DCM log...

    If you have enabled DCM protection, once SRL log is filled, VVR will start logging to DCM...

    If I understand your query, if replication is paused or rlinks disconnected, whatever new writes are coming down will be logged to SRL, thats how VVR functions to keep the track of writes to replicate to secondary,  so if you want that your SRL log should fill mimimum, well that depends how much your application is trying to write... control your application writes & log filling will be controlled...

    Don't think there would be a way to restrict this....

    Hope this helps..

  • Hello Gaurav,

    Thank for your response.

    Well, I mean to say is there any command or setting for log writes to some time interval.

    Suppose, application are writes continuously, then should we control the vvr for log writes in 15 minutes or more interval even though application writes in HDD every second or say minute.

    Please reply.

  • Well, from my knowledge, I don't think there is any such tunable.....

    If we think on this, lets say application is writing on HDD every second or minute & you want SRL log to be written every 15 mins, where will VVR buffer all these writes ?? There is no such cache coming in between here...

    So VVR by default as a process keeps writing to SRL to keep a track of every write coming in..


  • Hello Gaurav,

    For following scenario, I want to know about the writing SRL logs.

    Suppose, server is unreachable due to some reasons for 30 minutes.  By next second when the server is not reachable, SRL logs starts to filling. If there is any way to set the SRL logs starts at 15 min or more interval, so that we are some worry free from increasing the SRL log size.

    If above thing is possible, please reply.

  • Hello Dharmesh,

    No that is not possible, If replication link is unavailable for even a second & primary gets some writes in the mean time, that necessary will go to SRL, you can not delay that process. Thats by design.

    Hope this helps.
