Forum Discussion
- pgm10sLevel 5
- Gaurav_SModerator
Could you provide more details .. what version of OS & SF ? what is the storage in use ?
Can you also paste output of fdisk & "vxprint -qthg <diskgroup>" just to verify the original size. the disks reporting size in xxz are storage disks only ?
- stinsongLevel 5
Hi pgm10s,
Also, pls paste the output of "vxdisk -eo alldgs list". And have you check compatible list for the SF version you have ?
- pgm10sLevel 5
Thank you.
I will request the information from the customer.
- pgm10sLevel 5
Thank you.
I will request the information from the customer.
- pgm10sLevel 5
We use SFHA 6.1 HF3 on SUSE11SP3. The SAN storage is 3PAR.
All disks (LUN) are 3PAR disks.
- pgm10sLevel 5
hsea-apdr-s06:~ # vxdisk -eo alldgs list
disk_0 auto:none - - online invalid sdb -
disk_1 auto:LVM - - LVM sdc -
p63000_0 auto:cdsdisk - (fendg) online sdaj -
p63000_1 auto:cdsdisk - (fendg) online sdba -
p63000_2 auto:cdsdisk - (fendg) online sdal -
p63000_3 auto:cdsdisk sapdata1 ORADG online sdbc -
p63000_4 auto:cdsdisk sapdata2 ORADG online sdbd -
p63000_5 auto:cdsdisk sapdata3 ORADG online sdbe -
p63000_6 auto:cdsdisk sapdata4 ORADG online sdap -
p63000_7 auto:cdsdisk sapdata5 ORADG online sdbg -
p63000_8 auto:cdsdisk sapdata6 ORADG online sdar -
p63000_9 auto:cdsdisk sapdata7 ORADG online sdbi -
p63000_10 auto:cdsdisk sapdata8 ORADG online sdbj -
p63000_11 auto:cdsdisk sapdata9 ORADG online sdbk -
p63000_12 auto:cdsdisk sapdata10 ORADG online sdbl -
p63000_13 auto:cdsdisk saparch ORADG online sdbm -
p63000_14 auto:cdsdisk oradg01 ORADG online sdax -
p63000_15 auto:cdsdisk sapdg01 SAPDG online sdbo -
sda auto:LVM - - online invalid sda -
hsea-apdr-s06:~ # vxprint -qthg ORADG
dg ORADG default default 25000 1403842370.36.hsea-apdr-s05
dm oradg01 p63000_14 auto 65536 209639920 -
dm saparch p63000_13 auto 65536 1048436800 -
dm sapdata1 p63000_3 auto 65536 2076022208 -
dm sapdata2 p63000_4 auto 65536 2076022208 -
dm sapdata3 p63000_5 auto 65536 2076022208 -
dm sapdata4 p63000_6 auto 65536 2076022208 -
dm sapdata5 p63000_7 auto 65536 5404118821994739088 -
dm sapdata6 p63000_8 auto 65536 5404118821994739088 -
dm sapdata7 p63000_9 auto 65536 1258178672 -
dm sapdata8 p63000_10 auto 65536 1258178672 -
dm sapdata9 p63000_11 auto 65536 1258178672 -
dm sapdata10 p63000_12 auto 65536 1258178672 -
v VmirrlogA - ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 SELECT - fsgen
pl VmirrlogA-01 VmirrlogA ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-01 VmirrlogA-01 oradg01 0 20971520 0 p63000_14 ENA
v VmirrlogB - ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 SELECT - fsgen
pl VmirrlogB-01 VmirrlogB ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-02 VmirrlogB-01 oradg01 20971520 20971520 0 p63000_14 ENA
v VoriglogA - ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 SELECT - fsgen
pl VoriglogA-01 VoriglogA ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-03 VoriglogA-01 oradg01 41943040 20971520 0 p63000_14 ENA
v VoriglogB - ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 SELECT - fsgen
pl VoriglogB-01 VoriglogB ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-04 VoriglogB-01 oradg01 62914560 20971520 0 p63000_14 ENA
v Vsaparch - ENABLED ACTIVE 1048227840 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsaparch-01 Vsaparch ENABLED ACTIVE 1048227840 CONCAT - RW
sd saparch-01 Vsaparch-01 saparch 0 1048227840 0 p63000_13 ENA
v Vsapbackup - ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapbackup-01 Vsapbackup ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-05 Vsapbackup-01 oradg01 83886080 10485760 0 p63000_14 ENA
v Vsapcheck - ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapcheck-01 Vsapcheck ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-06 Vsapcheck-01 oradg01 94371840 10485760 0 p63000_14 ENA
v Vsapdata1 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata1-01 Vsapdata1 ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata1-01 Vsapdata1-01 sapdata1 0 2076020736 0 p63000_3 ENA
v Vsapdata2 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata2-01 Vsapdata2 ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata2-01 Vsapdata2-01 sapdata2 0 2076020736 0 p63000_4 ENA
v Vsapdata3 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata3-01 Vsapdata3 ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata3-01 Vsapdata3-01 sapdata3 0 2076020736 0 p63000_5 ENA
v Vsapdata4 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata4-01 Vsapdata4 ENABLED ACTIVE 2076020736 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata4-01 Vsapdata4-01 sapdata4 0 2076020736 0 p63000_6 ENA
v Vsapdata5 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2075813888 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata5-01 Vsapdata5 ENABLED ACTIVE 2075813888 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata5-01 Vsapdata5-01 sapdata5 0 2075813888 0 p63000_7 ENA
v Vsapdata6 - ENABLED ACTIVE 2075813888 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata6-01 Vsapdata6 ENABLED ACTIVE 2075813888 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata6-01 Vsapdata6-01 sapdata6 0 2075813888 0 p63000_8 ENA
v Vsapdata7 - ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata7-01 Vsapdata7 ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata7-01 Vsapdata7-01 sapdata7 0 1258178560 0 p63000_9 ENA
v Vsapdata8 - ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata8-01 Vsapdata8 ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata8-01 Vsapdata8-01 sapdata8 0 1258178560 0 p63000_10 ENA
v Vsapdata9 - ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata9-01 Vsapdata9 ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata9-01 Vsapdata9-01 sapdata9 0 1258178560 0 p63000_11 ENA
v Vsapdata10 - ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapdata10-01 Vsapdata10 ENABLED ACTIVE 1258178560 CONCAT - RW
sd sapdata10-01 Vsapdata10-01 sapdata10 0 1258178560 0 p63000_12 ENA
v Vsapreorg - ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsapreorg-01 Vsapreorg ENABLED ACTIVE 20971520 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-07 Vsapreorg-01 oradg01 104857600 20971520 0 p63000_14 ENA
v Vsaptrace - ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 SELECT - fsgen
pl Vsaptrace-01 Vsaptrace ENABLED ACTIVE 10485760 CONCAT - RW
sd oradg01-08 Vsaptrace-01 oradg01 125829120 10485760 0 p63000_14 ENA
- pgm10sLevel 5
- stinsongLevel 5
Hi pgm10s
From the output of vxdisk and vxprint, the status of disk p63000_7 and p63000_8 are good and normal. And doing a research on the size expression I found following info from
Zettabyte ZB 270 1021 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 (1,024) EB So technically it's just a huge size of a LUN. And from the output of vxprint we could see that the block number of the 2 disks is 5404118821994739088. Here one block is 512 bytes, so you see here it just fits into 2.34 ZB which is exactly match the output of vxlist.
But I don't know how you get such huge LUNs from disk array even from 3par. Is that a thin provisioning LUN with unlimited size? That's the only possibility I could think of.
- Gaurav_SModerator
I Agree, these are normal luns however of very huge size in Zetabytes & hence appearing as xxz
Be careful in using this size of volume as you can't have that big filesystem (vxfs), max size in 6.1 for FS is 256TB with 8k block size
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