VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group nbu_dg: import failed:No valid disk found containing disk group
I have a 2 node netbackup cluster(VCS). Earlier today I migrated a volume from an old storage array to a new storage array. How I did it is:
1. Present new Disk into the hosts
2. Scan for new disk on OS level
3. Scan for new disk on Veritas
4. Used the vxdiskadm utilitity to initialized the new disk
5. Added the new disk into the DiskGroup
6. Mirrored the volume to the new disk
7. After synchronization had completed, I removed the old plex from the disk group
All of the above steps were done on the active node(NODE1), now when I try to failover the cluster resources to the inactive node(NODE2) i get the below error:
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group nbu_dg: import failed:No valid disk found containing disk group
Then the cluster fails back again to the original node(NODE1)
bash-3.2# vxdisk -o alldgs list (Active node)
disk_0 auto:ZFS - - ZFS
emc_clariion0_0 auto:cdsdisk - - online(Old disk)
emc_clariion0_1 auto:cdsdisk nbu_dg02 nbu_dg online (New disk)
bash-3.2# vxdisk -o alldgs list (Inactive node)
disk_0 auto:ZFS - - ZFS
emc_clariion0_0 auto:cdsdisk - - online (Old Disk)
From the above output, I can't see the new disk which is supposed to show up in the inactive node with the disk group in a deported state.
Please assist
Can you confirm that the new disk can be seen at OS-level on the inactive node?
Double-check zoning and array lun assignment.
If the OS can see the disk, then vxdisk list will see it as well.