13 years agoLevel 4
backups failing
Here is the issue with BESR 2010 SP5
after sum days it is again failing with 1 % status only.
Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. POSTCONDITION failed, CopyLegacyBootManager::GetDestinationRegion: .\CopyLegacyBootManager.cpp(190): pRegion.
Details: 0xEBAB0013
as i said the backup took 7 hours to complete when i see this in morning 2day.(size only 100MB)
after that restarting the server now the incrementals are done properly.
so in my view below steps worked for me
stop all the besr services.
reinstall symsnap.inf drivers
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery\Shared\Drivers\win32
and reboot the server