BESR client not showing backup job policy, Unable to PostThreadMessage; hr=718 -- . Connection to vprosvc cannot be made. IPPIManager::get_<container> failed; hr=8000000a -- .
searching in besr manager for clients not showing as correctly backing up, i came across a few problems.
Apart from a few clients showing ERROR , (about this I was asking on this forum time ago, and now I found out that the problem was the fact that they were HYPER-V machines whose HD was stored on an SSD drive and even though chkdsk was not reporting errors for the file system there were some reading problems at hardware level, ticking "ignore read errors" solved the problem),
I came across a strange case. There is a BESR client, russing R2 SP4 on windows server 2012R2, that was not backing up because somehow it had no backup jobs, even though I was sure I created and assigned him a backup job. Checking in BESR manager confirmed that the backup policy was there, and it lookup as assigned to the client.
I have tried to delete and re-create the backup policy (still not assigning). Then I clicked "update configuration" in BESR manager on the client, to be sure that he had updated all the other configurations. then I assigned the new backup policy to the client, and clicked again on "update configuration". The client reported "configuration correctly updated". After this I opened BESR and the backup job was still not there.
Looking at BESR manager logs, I see a lot of error messages, that are essentially of 2 kinds:
<event date='Apr 30 10:06:05' severity='1' hostName='HV2' source='SSR Plug-in Agent' module='BackupAgent.dll' process='AeXNSAgent.exe' pid='1516' thread='888' tickCount='395086078' >
<![CDATA[Unable to PostThreadMessage; hr=718 -- . Connection to vprosvc cannot be made.]]></event>
<event date='Apr 30 10:06:07' severity='1' hostName='HV2' source='SSR Plug-in Agent' module='BackupAgent.dll' process='AeXNSAgent.exe' pid='1516' thread='2488' tickCount='395088031' >
<![CDATA[IPPIManager::get_<container> failed; hr=8000000a -- .]]></event>