Forum Discussion

bitIT's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

e000ff19 and e000ff16: communications failure SQL & VSS

Hi all. We have a problem with BESR 2010 on 2008 R2 64 bit and a MSSQL server 2008 enterprise on a 2008 R2 64 bit (SQL Agent).

The full backupjob is always ok, but incremental fails always with VSS errors, and sometimes with SQL errors:
e000ff16 - A communications failure has occurred with a Shadow Copy resource.
e000ff19 - A communications failure has occurred with a SQL Server resource.
I don't find any solution for this problem, I already searched 4 days long. Yesterday I tested an incr. backup and kept looking at the VSS service (on the client of course): when it shut down because it was idle, I startet it again manually and the backup was then OK. But when the backup runs alone without any intervention, it fails with the errors above and I think it's because of VSS that goes sleeping when it's idle.

I already tried to change the backup sequence, doesn't change anything.

If you need any other info feel free to ask ! I'm really desperate, and I'm also not a windows expert...

Thanks !

  • (Re)register a bunch of DLLs, run file checker... I'm tempted to try this blindly, but why do you think this will work for this particular problem?

  • Issue with SQL SErver on 2008 Box you will have to Create and Execute a batch file named, FIXVSS08.BAT:
    Please note the following:


    • You will need to run the batch file as Administrator.
    • This is only for Windows 2008 not Windows 2003.
    • After running the bat file, you will need to reboot the server to bring all of the writers into a stable state.

     Copy and paste the following into Notepad, then click Save As, to save it as FIXVSS08.BAT.


    net stop "System Event Notification Service"
    net stop "Background Intelligent Transfer Service"
    net stop "COM+ Event System"
    net stop "Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider"
    net stop "Volume Shadow Copy"
    cd /d %windir%\system32
    net stop vss
    net stop swprv
    regsvr32 /s ATL.DLL
    regsvr32 /s comsvcs.DLL
    regsvr32 /s credui.DLL
    regsvr32 /s CRYPTNET.DLL
    regsvr32 /s CRYPTUI.DLL
    regsvr32 /s dhcpqec.DLL
    regsvr32 /s dssenh.DLL
    regsvr32 /s eapqec.DLL
    regsvr32 /s esscli.DLL
    regsvr32 /s FastProx.DLL
    regsvr32 /s FirewallAPI.DLL
    regsvr32 /s kmsvc.DLL
    regsvr32 /s lsmproxy.DLL
    regsvr32 /s MSCTF.DLL
    regsvr32 /s msi.DLL
    regsvr32 /s msxml3.DLL
    regsvr32 /s ncprov.DLL
    regsvr32 /s ole32.DLL
    regsvr32 /s OLEACC.DLL
    regsvr32 /s OLEAUT32.DLL
    regsvr32 /s PROPSYS.DLL
    regsvr32 /s QAgent.DLL
    regsvr32 /s qagentrt.DLL
    regsvr32 /s QUtil.DLL
    regsvr32 /s raschap.DLL
    regsvr32 /s RASQEC.DLL
    regsvr32 /s rastls.DLL
    regsvr32 /s repdrvfs.DLL
    regsvr32 /s RPCRT4.DLL
    regsvr32 /s rsaenh.DLL
    regsvr32 /s SHELL32.DLL
    regsvr32 /s shsvcs.DLL
    regsvr32 /s /i swprv.DLL
    regsvr32 /s tschannel.DLL
    regsvr32 /s USERENV.DLL
    regsvr32 /s vss_ps.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wbemcons.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wbemcore.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wbemess.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wbemsvc.DLL
    regsvr32 /s WINHTTP.DLL
    regsvr32 /s WINTRUST.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wmiprvsd.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wmisvc.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wmiutils.DLL
    regsvr32 /s wuaueng.DLL
    sfc /SCANFILE=%windir%\system32\catsrv.DLL
    sfc /SCANFILE=%windir%\system32\catsrvut.DLL
    sfc /SCANFILE=%windir%\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
    net start "COM+ Event System"


  • Thanks for your reply.

    I don't know if I can, and if yes, how it works/what I have to do.