Forum Discussion

CreateIncrement's avatar
12 years ago

I'm testing Symantec System Recovery 2013 and i need to have script to schedule backup with external scheduler


I saw this thread


I'm interresting by vbs script like CreateIncrementalImage.vbs


Where i can download it please ?

There is a script for full image ?


Bests regards

  • Hello All,

    You can find all powershell scripts for SSR2103 inside of CD:



  • Hello All!

    You can find all powershell scripts inside of SSR 2013 CD:

    Best Regards.

  • No they are for BESR 8.5 which was the name of what is now called SSR until 2010 ! You probably need to adapt the scripts but as they worked with BESR 2010 I'm quite confident that they work with SSR 2013 too,

  • HEllo Markus


    Thk very much, but the scripts are for BESR (NetBAckup) and my question was for SSR (Symentec System Recovery)


    Bests regards

  • Have a look here: